Contrast the fst and mgt with co-cultural theory

Assignment Help Business Law and Ethics
Reference no: EM133529420


1. Many students have a very personal reaction to the muted group theory because it brings to mind their own life experiences. Write about a time when you have either been muted because of your group membership, or when you have muted someone else.

2. Co-cultural theory serves as an interesting point of comparison with several other theories, including feminist standpoint theory (FST), and muted group theory (MGT). Compare/contrast the FST and MGT with co-cultural theory. Where do these theories find common ground with co-cultural theory? Where do they differ? BE sure to provide at least three arguments.

Look for a 2-7 minutes short video that exemplifies any of the theories we are learning this week. You will then submit that video link and Write a paragraph on how you see the theory or concept play out in the video that you have chosen. In your response, focus on the following:

  • What is the video all about?
  • What is the communication concept you see functioning in that video?
  • Define that concept and explain how it manifests in the video.
  • Was the concept well applied? Give reason(s) for your answer.

Reference no: EM133529420

Questions Cloud

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