Contrast the apprenticeship and academic models

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Reference no: EM132868389 , Length: 5

Question 1: Write a 3-5-page paper that analyzes the changes that have occurred in medical education from the 1800s to today. Compare and contrast the apprenticeship and academic models of medical education and provide examples.


  • Much has changed in American medicine since the establishment of the first medical school in 1765 at the College of Philadelphia. At that time, physicians had very little professional training, and much of their training was unregulated-as was the treatment they provided to patients. As the medical profession became more established and education became more formal, the rules governing who could practice medicine also became more formal and restricted.
  • With the formation of the American Medical Association (AMA) in 1876, more medical schools required a four-year degree in order to qualify for medical practice, and the attempt to focus on quality became stronger. However, since many physicians were already from the "old school," it was difficult to make the necessary changes that might restrict or diminish those educated earlier. Not until outside organizations began to exert pressure to enforce standards in education did improvements in training begin to be seen.

Reference no: EM132868389

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Contrast the apprenticeship and academic models : Analyzes the changes that have occurred in medical education from the 1800s to today. Compare and contrast the apprenticeship and academic models
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