Contrast change management and release management

Assignment Help Python Programming
Reference no: EM132851917

Task description

Assignment 1 contains 3 parts determined based on the topics of this unit. Section 2.1 (file version management) is an on-line practice exercise, while other sections are written work. You should include all the written work in 1 single Microsoft (MS) Word file.

Part 1. System testing
Part 1 consists of acceptance test for a software platform for assignment submission; and black- box test for the Print Setting functions of MS Word.

Acceptance test

This is a self-contained plan document, including a title, an overview, system requirement description, testing conditions (testers and testing environment), a table of test including scenarios and expected outcomes, and a summary about the scope and limitations of the test.

A university requires a software system for student assignment submission. The system requirements include:
• Check for accepted file formats, and reject the submission and present an error message if the format is not accepted.
• Present submission time and date.
• Count number of words of the file, and present a note if it does not meet the word limit.
• Present a receipt of submission.
• Allow 2 options: draft submission and final submission.

You are required to write an acceptance test (a plan for acceptance testing) according to the above requirements. The plan for each requirement is worth 1 mark. Penalty of at most 1 mark is applied if the overview, requirement description, testing conditions, or summary is missing.

Black-box test

This is a self-contained plan document, including a title, an overview, the image on the right, testing environment, a table of test, and a summary about the scope and limitations of your test.

The image depicts the Setting section of the Print window of MS Word 2016.

You are required to write a black-box test (a plan for black-box testing) for the last 5 widgets from ‘Collated'.

You may need to open the Print window of MS Word on your computer to understand the functions and features of the widgets. For a widget, your plan may not be complete in terms of the included selections. If there are too many selections, you can focus on 3 of them.

The plan for each widget is worth 1 mark. Penalty of at most 1 mark is applied if the overview, image, testing environment or summary is missing.

Part 2. Configuration management

Part 2 consists of file version management, which is an online task; and change management, which is a question-and-answer practice exercise.

File version management

There is a public project on the GitHub: nigelfranciscus/PROG6001

You are required to

1. Fork this project into your own space on the GitHub.

2. Change the document Week4-App1.sln.

3. Request a pull of your committed changes.

You should explain the changes and provide your name and student ID as the author (for marking purpose). Section 2.1 is marked online. In your submitted assignment document, you should provide the image of GitHub, confirming that the pull request is created successfully (refer to the workshop guide for Week 3).

Change management

You are required to
1. Describe the reasons for change requests.
2. Describe change management systems.
3. Contrast change management and release management.
4. Explain why a software design document is not included in a release.

You should copy the questions to your assignment and write an answer after each question.

Part 3. Writing an RFP

Gold Technology (GT) is a business that sells a variety of products (e.g. PCs, laptops, phones, routers) and their accessories, and provides device repairing services. Currently GT has 6 branch shops distributed in different cities, and this number will increase as opportunity arises. GT also has a headquarter for procurement, administration, strategic management, marketing, etc. Each shop or the headquarter is using its own computer system now. GT needs an integrated software system for performance improvement and business growth. Their initial requirements are:
• A sale/service module for business transactions with customers. This module is mainly used by staff of the shops to record and track information of product sales, repairing services, customers, and after-sale services.
• A customer relationship management module. This model is mainly used by the headquarter for marketing purpose. The module is also used by each shop to maintain customer relationship.
• A stock management module. This module tracks the sale of each shop, and places orders for the products and repairing parts via electronic data interchange (EDI) system (The EDI system is out of scope of the integrated system). Each shop can share stocking information of other shops.
• A website for online product sale, links to manufacturer sites, advertisement, forum for repairing questions and solutions, customer sign-up, and recruitment.

As a general manager of GT, you are required to write an RFP (request for proposal) for the above system. You should provide other information about GT needed for the RFP based on your experience and knowledge.

This is a report. You should NOT write it in a format of questions-and-answers. You should organise the contents in a way to make them readable and understandable.

Attachment:- System testing.rar

Reference no: EM132851917

Questions Cloud

Analyze international entry modes : Analyze the international entry modes and international strategies of a multinational enterprise
Determine the probability that you selected die a : You have selected a die at random from the two dice described below Determine the probability that you selected die A.
What is total agreed capitalization of the abc partnership : The partners also agreed that C will contribute sufficient cash to the partnership. What is the total agreed capitalization of the ABC Partnership?
What is the median recovery time : The patient recovery time from a particular surgical procedure is normally distributed with a mean of 3 days and a standard deviation of 1.8 days.
Contrast change management and release management : Contrast change management and release management - Explain why a software design document is not included in a release.
What is cash to be contributed by c in the abc partnership : The partners also agreed that C will contribute sufficient cash to the partnership. What is the cash to be contributed by C in the ABC Partnership?
Business current financial liquidity position : Use the appropriate formula to calculate working capital, then discuss the business's current financial liquidity position.
What is the amount received by psy in distribution of profit : What is the amount received by Psy in the distribution of profit? Psy and Clyd formed a partnership on January 1, 2018 by contibuting capital of P262,500.
Probability of stockout during replenishment time : And what measures do you need to find? (Hint: think about the probability of stockout during replenishment time.)


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