Contrast and discuss capitalism and socialism solutions

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM1373802

The United States is one of the wealthiest country on earth, yet our fundamental economic difficulty is scarcity. How can this be? Also, what are the broadest and narrowest measures of money and how are they used?

Contrast and discuss capitalism's and socialism's solutions to the three economic problems (what, how & for whom to produce).

Most economists oppose trade restrictions because of the negative effects they may create. What are the main problems associated with trade restrictions?

What does the law of supply say that most individuals would do if their wage increased? Explain the importance of substitution in this decision.

Discuss the six roles of government in a market economy. According to economic theory, to what extent should government intervene in our economy?

What is potential output and how is it related to the target rate of unemployment and the target level of capacity utilization? Which is greater: potential or actual output during a recession? During an economic boom?

Name and discuss the assumption economists make that allows them to focus only on supply in the long run? (hint: it's a Frenchman's law).

What was the Keynesian's main argument against the classical view that the economy will get itself out of the depression?

Discuss what is the difference between induced and autonomous expenditures. And, in what way the trust fund is not a real solution to the Social Security problem?

Discuss how open market operations affect interest rates through the bond market.

In what way is inflation a tax?

Reference no: EM1373802

Questions Cloud

Comparative advantage in technology : Techland and Clothworld are 2-nations with the similar number of employees. In Techland each employee can make 4 units of technology OR 4 units of clothing.
Government purchases multiplier and the net tax multiplier : Estimate whether each of following, other things held steady, would lead to an rise, a reduce, or no change in long run aggregate supply, and Describe difference between the government purchases multiplier and the net tax multiplier.
Free market wage rate and employment level : In 1996 Congress increased minimum wage from $4.25 to $5.15 every hour. Some people advise that a government subsidy could help employers finance higher wage.
Stabilization policy recommendations of monetarists : Describe briefly the reasons why the following transactions would  or would not be included in GNP and  compare and contrast stabilization policy recommendations of  monetarists and activists.
Contrast and discuss capitalism and socialism solutions : The United States is one of the wealthiest country on earth, yet our fundamental economic difficulty is scarcity. How can this be? Also, determine the broadest and narrowest measures of money & how are they used?
Various levels of output for employment : Suppose capital is steady, with three machines and MPPK/MRCK = 30, determine the least cost input combo of labor and capital? How much output is produced?
Multiple choice questions related to macroeconomic : For an economy at full employment, an rise in the quantity of money will lead to which of following sequence of shifts in aggregate demand and supply curves;
Diminishing marginal productivity of labor : Using the marginal productivity theory of labor demand to forecast the impact on the company's employment level of following events. Describe why the change in employment occurs and show it in a graph.
Determine total output per week in the economy : Select an economy that initially has a labor force of 2000 employees. Of these employees, 1900 are employed and each works forty hours per week. Ten units of output are produced by each hour of labor.


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