Contractionary and expansionary monetary policy

Assignment Help Macroeconomics
Reference no: EM131815

It has to be between 210-280 words for each bullet. Consider that your team is a group of economic advisors working for the U.S. president. You have been tasked with evaluating the current state of the U.S. economy and making recommendations on how to improve it.

Analysis and Recommendations:

Explain the current state of the following economic factors and analyze how each affects aggregate supply and demand:

  • Introduction
  • Unemployment
  • Expectations
  • Consumer income
  • Interest rates

Prepare a set of recommendations for the president regarding government spending and taxes based on the economic factors' current state. The bullets below only have to be answered.

What is the difference between contractionary and expansionary monetary policy?

What is the intention of each policy under a depression, recession, or robust economy?

Which type of monetary policy is more appropriate today and why? 

What are the potential consequences of a country having a large overall debt?

If you were in the position to implement a solution for the country's long-term debt, what would it be and why?

Who benefits from a tariff or quota?

Who loses?

Why would domestic markets benefit from protectionist trade policies?

How do protectionist trade policies affect a government's wealth and fiscal policy?

Reference no: EM131815

Questions Cloud

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Contractionary and expansionary monetary policy : What is the difference between contractionary and expansionary monetary policy?
Check the symmetricality : Illustrate why the A and B are symmetric
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