Contraceptives for family planning purposes

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Reference no: EM133503157


Roberta Nelson and Maurice Williams are married couples who would like to use contraceptives for family planning purposes. However, the use and purchase of contraceptives are prohibited by the criminal laws of the state of Connecticut. On the other hand, contraceptive devices of various kinds are sold openly in Connecticut state pharmacies. The state has not prosecuted anyone for violating this law for more than thirty years. The plaintiffs have brought suit against Connecticut state Attorney General Gerard Collins, challenging the constitutionality of the state's birth control ban and seeking an injunction barring its enforcement. Do they have Article III standing?

Reference no: EM133503157

Questions Cloud

Compliance risk more broadly beyond anti-money laundering : What actions could they have taken to reduce their compliance risk more broadly beyond anti-money laundering?
Non-economic damage issues : One of the last areas is non-economic damage issues. Traditional information is stored differently than social networking information.
Why is child sexual abuse so difficult to identify-prosecute : If Betty knew that Susan was being abused but Betty did not actually participate in the abuse.Why is child sexual abuse so difficult to identify and prosecute?
Operation of authorised children service : Set out the legal conditions, operational requirements, and quality standards for the operation of an authorised children's service.
Contraceptives for family planning purposes : Roberta Nelson and Maurice Williams are married couples who would like to use contraceptives for family planning purposes.
Research crime of your choice : Research crime of your choice. Describe how that crime was handled. Identify how you would responded if you were first responding officer to crime scene
What is the relevance of the evidence indicated : By examining the four situations what is the relevance of the evidence indicated and what the evidence proves and does not prove?
Explain the election process : Explain the election process that will take place at the first meeting of creditors and who will be appointed as the trustee of Katie's estate.
Reduce institutional liability related to cyberbullying : Recommendations for educational leaders to enhance student safety and reduce institutional liability related to cyberbullying


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