Continuity in ordinary and aesthetic experience

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Reference no: EM133345728


Dewey aesthetics hinges on reestablishing the continuity between ordinary and aesthetic experience. For this assignment, respond to the following question. Given that the experience of the sublime is nothing ordinary, is there room in Dewey's philosophy of art for the sublime?

Reference no: EM133345728

Questions Cloud

About teleological and deontological ethics : Based on course readings/materials about teleological and deontological ethics, briefly explain what you would do from an ethical perspective.
Correlation between internet use and social isolation : Conduct research into the correlation between internet use and social isolation. Write a brief essay explaining which research method you would use and why?
Why do you need moral compass : Considering all you have learned so far, why do you need a moral compass?
Good originally arose in ancient greece and what it meant : Describe how the term "Good" originally arose in Ancient Greece and what it meant.
Continuity in ordinary and aesthetic experience : Dewey aesthetics hinges on reestablishing the continuity between ordinary and aesthetic experience.
Depict aspects of evil such as shutupness : What examples from real life can you offer to depict aspects of evil such as the shutupness, the contentless, and the sudden?
Reestablishing continuity in ordinary-aesthetic experience : Dewey aesthetics hinges on reestablishing the continuity between ordinary and aesthetic experience.
What are premises : What are the premises for: How so many people have champagne taste on a beer budget today seems ludicrous
What is argument from analogy : What is an Argument from Analogy? Give an example of an Argument from Analogy that strongly support its premise.


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