Contents of the product table

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13801745

Question 1. The SQL command that lets you insert row(s) into a table is ____.

Question 2. The most recent version of standard SQL prescribed by the ANSI is ____.

Question 3. The ____ query will output the table contents when the value of V_CODE is less than or equal to 21344.

Question 4. When you issue the DELETE FROM tablename command without specifying a where condition ____.

Question 5. To list all the contents of the PRODUCT table, you would use ____.

Question 6. The ____ query will output the table contents when the value of the character field P_CODE is alphabetically less than 1558-QW1.

Question 7. The command used to list the P_CODE, P_DESCRIPT, P_INDATE, and P_PRICE fields from the Product table in ascending order by P_PRICE is ____.

Question 8. The SQL command to output the contents of the Employee table sorted by last name, first name, and initial is ____.

Question 9. A(n) ____ is an alternate name given to a column or table in any SQL statement.

Question 10. The ____ command uses columns and column aliases to determine the total value of inventory held on hand and to display the results in a column labeled TotValue.

Question 11. The special operator used to check whether an attribute value is within a range of values is ____.

Question 12. The ____ command is used to list a unique value for V_CODE, where the list will produce only a list of those values that are different from one another.

Reference no: EM13801745

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