Reference no: EM133204223 , Length: 3 Pages
Write a very brief history about the division of the Ottoman Empire at the end of The Great War. Address in some form each of the following questions (they do NOT have to be in the order below):
1. Who wrote each of the three documents? What was the purpose of each? Who was each document's intended audience?
2. When the revolutionary Bolshevikgovernment took over Russia at the end of 1917, it no longer honored Russia's alliance with Britain and France. The Bolsheviks released the Sykes-Picot Agreement, which had been secret up until that point. Why was this embarrassing to the British and French governments?
3. On the map of the Sykes-Picot Agreement, what are the differences between the Blue Zone, Red Zone, A Zone, and B Zone?
4. What part of the Fourteen Points was in direct conflict with the contents of the Sykes-Picot Agreement?
5. What would Sharif Hussein and his sons might they have expected to happen as a result of the Fourteen Points?
6. How might the people living in any of these zones have viewed the Sykes-PicotAgreement?Do you think the Agreement changed their views of the West in anylasting way? How?
Attachment:- Analysis and Interpretation of Related Primary Documents.rar