Reference no: EM131210082
Question: Contemporary Social Problem Research Paper Scoring Guide
Analyzes empirical and theoretical literature relevant to the selected research topic. 16% Does not reference empirical and theoretical literature relevant to the selected research topic. References empirical and theoretical literature relevant to the selected research topic. Analyzes empirical and theoretical literature relevant to the selected research topic. Analyzes and comparatively evaluates empirical and theoretical literature relevant to the selected research topic
Demonstrates an understanding of how theories, principles, and concepts of human services delivery apply to the selected research topic. 16% Does not discuss theories, principles, and concepts of human services delivery. Discusses theories, principles, and concepts of human services delivery. Demonstrates an understanding of how theories, principles, and concepts of human services delivery apply to the selected research topic. Demonstrates a complex understanding of how theories, principles, and concepts of human services delivery integrate and apply to the selected research topic.
Applies concepts of diversity, culture, and cultural competence to human services practice within the context of the selected research topic. 17% Does not reference concepts of diversity, culture, and cultural competence applied to human services practice. References concepts of diversity, culture, and cultural competence applied to human services practice. Applies concepts of diversity, culture, and cultural competence to human services practice within the context of the selected research topic. Applies concepts of diversity, culture, and cultural competence to human services practice within the context of the selected research topic and justifies the applications with relevant research.
Articulates how issues, trends, and concerns of both the historical and the contemporary institution of human services apply to the selected research topic. 17% Does not reference issues, trends, and concerns of the historical and the contemporary institution of human services. References issues, trends, and concerns of the historical and the contemporary institution of human services, but not properly apply them to the selected research topic. Articulates how issues, trends, and concerns of both the historical and the contemporary institution of human services apply to the selected research topic. Articulates and evaluates how issues, trends, and concerns of both the historical and the contemporary institution of human services apply to the selected research topic.
Identifies which types of human service organizations address the selected research topic and assesses how they do so. 17% Does not identify which types of human service organizations address the selected research topic. Identifies which types of human service organizations address the selected research topic. Identifies which types of human service organizations address the selected research topic and assesses how they do so. Identifies which types of human service organizations address the selected research topic, assesses how they do so, and provides compelling evidence to support the identification and assessment.
Analyzes the effect of a theory or concept of management on human service organizations relevant to the selected research topic. 17% Does not address a theory of concept of management on human service organizations. Identifies a theory or concept of management on human service organizations relevant to the selected research topic, but does not adequately analyze it. Analyzes the effect of a theory or concept of management on human service organizations relevant to the selected research topic.. Analyzes and compares the effect of differing theories or concepts of management on human service organizations relevant to the selected research topic.
I wanted to take a moment to discuss your final course project.
First, it must be in APA format inclusive of title page, table of contents, body of paper, reference list and appendix (the week 5 annotated outline and annotated bib)
Second, remember that this is a compilation of the past assignments with an introduction, a table of contents and a conclusion.
My topic is on Homelessness the Lack of shelter