Reference no: EM131463377
Assessment 1
Assessment Type: Assignment - individual assessment
Purpose: This assessment is designed to allow students to demonstrate a higher level of understanding of accounting standards and theoretical and philosophical approaches, as they apply to the resolution of more complex accounting problems. This assessment relates to Learning Outcomes a, b and c.
Topic: Does the current accounting framework meet the needs of the users of financial reports as prescribed in the objective of the Conceptual Framework of Accounting? How the conceptual framework revision to include Prudence is likely to address the disparity in Corporate Reporting is a requirement in your analysis.
Task Details: Download the latest annual report of any two listed companies.
Annual Reports are available on the company website or ASX website.
Analyse the conceptual framework with reference to the annual reports of your chosen companies in light of the reporting requirements imposed on accountants and those charged with governance of corporations. Your analysis may include the following:
- Are the annual reports in compliance with the conceptual framework and AASB standard requirements?
- You need to use extracts from the annual reports to support your analysis.
- Provide screen shots of the relevant sections from the reports in your assignment.
- If they are not in compliance, explain the reason.
- How the conceptual framework revision to include Prudence is likely to address the disparity in Corporate Reporting
- You may find the explanations in the notes to the financial statements or in the Director's Report.
- Compare and contrast the two annual reports, identify the differences in disclosures of these corporations.
- Reference to material of the course and a critical analysis of the annual reports is required.
Students are to critically analyse and develop supported recommendations and conclusions, in reference to the relevant accounting framework (see Topics 1-5).
The analysis and supported recommendations need to be formatted into a professional report as would be expected in a modern organisation by management and clients.
Research Students need to support their analysis and recommendations with the text and Requirements: minimum of 10 recent and relevant academic journal articles. Other sources may also be used but students need to be confident of the academic validity of such sources.
The word count excludes the cover sheet, contents page, references, appendices, and illustrations (e.g. diagrams, graphs and tables).
Assessment 2
Assessment Type: Group report and presentation - combined group and individual assessment task. Please note: This is a group assessment and presentations are delivered by the group but individual presentation efforts are be marked
As Learning Outcome d) stipulates teamwork, this assessment must be done in groups of 2-5 students per group as advised by your tutor. Students are not permitted to refuse being part of a group.
Purpose: This assessment is designed to allow students to research and analyse current social issues in accounting and evaluate their impact on various stakeholders. As a group assessment, it further develops students' team working skills. This assessment relates to Learning Outcomes a, b, c and d.
Video Presentation One student from each group must upload copy of the group presentation materials to computer storage as directed by the Lecturer at the time of presentation in Week 10 and 11. A retrievable and reusable electronic copy of the presentation material must be provided in a format to allow for the Tutor and Lecturer to review the presentation at a later date.
All submissions must be accompanied by a signed KOI Group Assignment Coversheet
Topic: Sustainability Reporting in Accounting
Task Details: Groups are to research the current state of Sustainability Reporting. As a result of their research groups need to develop a video presentation detailing the current state of sustainability reporting including the issues, practices, etc using higher order analysis and explaining the implications for various stakeholders in relation to financial decision making. The video presentation should conclude with supported specific recommendations as to how organisations and their accounting advisors should proceed in light of the analysis.
Research Students need to support their analysis with reference from the text and requirements: minimum of ten (10) suitable, reliable, current and academically acceptable sources - check with your tutor if unsure of the validity of sources.
Groups seeking Credit or above grades should support their analysis with increased number of reference sources comparable to the grade they are seeking.
Presentation: 5 minutes video presentation per group. Using the course material with reference to group report content, groups are to present their analysis and findings/ conclusions in a professional 5 (five) minute video presentation. All group members must participate in the preparation of the video.
Presentations should be a critical analysis covering the main theory elements of the course - not just presenting a factual story - reference to corporate reports and other material is encouraged. Information can be covered in any order in the presentation, but should contain elements of the course.
It is strongly recommended that groups prepare their presentations well in advance of the presentation date, and make some effort to review their video presentation. This will improve the presentation overall, and give groups a chance to improve and time manage their presentations Videos may be prepared using any available platform such as iMovie, MoveMaker, Prezi and others.