Contemporary ideas about human resource management

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Reference no: EM131645947

Interestingly, contemporary ideas about human resource management and developing human capital have their roots in early 20th century research findings and theories. Attracting, developing, and retaining talent may well be the most critical function of today's business leadership. Shifts in trends, and other external forces (market demand, legislation, demographic and psychographic changes, globalization, technological leaps), can affect the delicate balance of the organization and the knowledge that the organization’s internal stakeholders require, bringing some factors outside the control of the organization. How far, in your estimation, have we come in the past one hundred years in our ability to create and develop organizations that maximize human and organizational potential, in order to help the organization adapt and innovate?

Considerations: Why do people work? Why do you work? How do managers and leaders within organizations restrict or optimize human resource energy as it relates to diversity, inclusion, and equity? How do the organization’s culture, the organization’s mission and strategic vision impact how human capital is valued? Consider other factors that impact many organizations such as globalization of the world’s economy, and the growth of technology. Integrate literature and course concepts from your MBA studies.

Reference no: EM131645947

Questions Cloud

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