Contemporary cultural and economic life

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133126723

Organizational Development is not just a list of "tools" or activities that are templated, but involves understanding values, ethics, and the ability to create in specific environments to decipher "best" solutions for a given case.

1. Describe what role creativity plays in innovation in contemporary cultural and economic life? Give a personal example.

2. What do you believe are the main cognitive factors that may predict creative achievement?.

Do you believe that knowledge is beneficial to creativity and innovation? Why or why not? Explain.


Reference no: EM133126723

Questions Cloud

Operation management role in business today : Discuss the key factors that have contributed to the evolution of operations management.
Qualitative and quantitative data : Explain why it is important to evaluate the effectiveness of proposed solutions using both qualitative and quantitative data.
Combination of developed nations health systems : Create a proposed healthcare delivery model based on a combination of developed nations' health systems
International human resource management : Compare union relations in two countries. How are the unions (and employers) organized? What role does the government play?
Contemporary cultural and economic life : Describe what role creativity plays in innovation in contemporary cultural and economic life? Give a personal example.
Brand-loyal decision making : What products do you think generally are associated with brand-loyal decision making, and which are associated with repeat purchase decision making?
Most pressing and significant concerns facing communities : What is one of the most pressing and significant concerns facing communities today that a business might have a responsibility to consider?
Difference between power-authority and leadership : Describe the difference between power, authority, and leadership. Do you know who the power structure is in your organization?
Determine driving public use of seat belts : A state government wishes to determine the driving public's use of seat belts.


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