Contain a brief overview of the structures

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Reference no: EM132144036

For this assignment you are tasked with creating a web page in Single Page Application (SPA) format. you will be creating a blogging style website where users can input posts and have those posts appear, serialized, on the main page.

The assignment is comprised of two primary components:

- A Brief document acting as a style guide and readme

- The SPA, running in a Node.JS environment

Assignment Specification

As stated there are two primary components to the assignment. The first is a style guide that details the layout, contents and style elements chosen for your page. The second is the actual implementation including any HTML, templates, style sheets, scripts and modifications to the original structure made.

Style Guide / Specification document

This document should contain a brief overview of the structures used and the styles implemented within the application, as well as the functional behaviour of the various SPA elements.

1. Project structure

The document should clearly lay out the project structure including folders used and communication structures utilized within the application. This includes the location of templates, scripts and style sheets within the project. It should also include details of any routes employed and deep linking solutions utilized to preserve state.

2. Style guidelines

The document should contain the details of styles chosen. This should include elements like font selection, colour pallet and iconography. The style guide portion should also include details of the various view / template elements of the page and their purpose. This should include layout choices and other design details. Any responsive functionality included in the application should also be detailed here, along with the trigger parameters for such features. Any alternate/advanced style implementations should be detailed in this section including animation flex and effect behaviour. Lastly the content described in this section should appear within your page, it should not contain details of style and outline that you wanted or considered using, rather what you did use.

3. SPA Functionality

Lastly the document should contain the functional details for the app including element communication, back end functionality and any additional modules employed. This should include the purpose of any of your own script files, JavaScript / AngularJS implementations and structure.

If any additional work has been done on the back end server, or additional Node.JS modules used these should be detailed along with the functionality they provide to the SPA. Lastly this should detail the Node.JS run specification and port used in the final result; this will usually be localhost:8000 or localhost:3000 but should be clarified here.

Required Pages

Your solution should make use of the following pages

- Content / News page

- Content creation page

- About page

COMP 8772

The purpose of this assignment is to objectively analyse your implementation of Assignment 2, discuss the techniques and technologies used. After discussing the implementation of your work you will consider and demonstrate how the same or similar implementation would be achieved in an alternate web development framework.

Part A

The first part of the assignment is to provide a detailed review of the Single Page Application (SPA) implementation and structure of Assignment Two. This should be an expanded explanation, above that provided with assignment 2, of the structures and functions used for your implementation. You should cover each of the files within your assignment and detail the elements, attributes and functions. This should include the specific function operation within script files and how these functions are actioned from within HTML / CSS elements or attributes. Importantly this review should focus on the functional operation of your application. This work should not consider design elements beyond how they are functionally actioned within the SPA framework. Essentially this work should both discuss, and more importantly justify, the decisions made in the creation of your application.

Part B

Following the revision of your own work you should research and discuss the implementation of the same ideas and concepts in an Apache MySQL PHP PERL (AMPP) stack. In this environment the primary server side language is PHP, running in an Apache server environment and using MySQL as the primary database storage medium.

Note that this is not a full blown re-implementation. The work should focus on the technical and framework differences between the two environments. However, the work should contain code snippets for relevant sections where changes would be required.


The purpose of this assignment is to objectively analyse your implementation of Assignment 2, discuss the techniques and technologies used. After discussing the implementation of your work you will consider and demonstrate how the same or similar implementation would be achieved in an alternate web development framework.

Part A

The first part of the assignment is to provide a detailed review of the Single Page Application (SPA) implementation and structure of Assignment Two. This should be an expanded explanation, above that provided with assignment 2, of the structures and functions used for your implementation. You should cover each of the files within your assignment and detail the elements, attributes and functions. This should include the specific function operation within script files and how these functions are actioned from within HTML / CSS elements or attributes. Importantly this review should focus on the functional operation of your application. This work should not consider design elements beyond how they are functionally actioned within the SPA framework. Essentially this work should both discuss, and more importantly justify, the decisions made in the creation of your application.

Part B

Following the revision of your own work you should research and discuss the implementation of the same ideas and concepts in an Apache MySQL PHP PERL (AMPP) stack. In this environment the primary server side language is PHP, running in an Apache server environment and using MySQL as the primary database storage medium.

Note that this is not a full blown re-implementation. The work should focus on the technical and framework differences between the two environments. However, the work should contain code snippets for relevant sections where changes would be required.


Reference no: EM132144036

Questions Cloud

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What is the probability that one car chosen at random : What is the probability that one car chosen at random will have less than 88.5 tons of coal? (Round your answer to four decimal places.)
Contain a brief overview of the structures : Contain a brief overview of the structures used and the styles implemented within the application, as well as the functional behaviour
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10/18/2018 12:57:37 AM

I want solution for Part-A. I highlighted with red color... I want make changes in Assignment 2. In SPA folder there is About.html which shows no any logo .. I attach what I can see... I don't get any Style guide document in your solution..I want style guide document ... I highlight with red color what I want to edit.... I can't get the whole SPA. because you give me the html file of about, contact, news seperately. where is whole web page where I can see whole SPA. I can't found this SPA run on localhost. SPA must be run in localhost:8000 or localhost: 3000. This is the main part... how to run on node.js and localhost..I told you before that I want the explaination of what you done. I don't receive that... I want Assignment 2 solution in different Assignment 2 folder with explaination of what you done and master Assignment solution in master Assignment folder ...

Write a Review

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