Reference no: EM132294858
My thoughts on AdBlock
1. I believe that content providers should be worried about the situation because consumers are unaware of the effects of the situation. If consumers were able to realize that the lack of ads would lead to a collapse in the digital world then it is unlikely they would continue to use ad blockers and support the lack of ads. I think content providers and advertisers should find a better way to inform consumers of the situation as an attempt to fight back against those profiting from this situation. I also believe that content creators and advertisers need to become extremely mindful of the kinds of ad strategies they are using with consumers. They should focus on improving the quality of their ads and stay away from annoying ads.
2. I believe advertisers should experiment with a promotion that is appealing and acceptable to consumers in the digital world, specifically tech-savvy users using ad block. A suggestion of an idea that should be implemented is promotion created by content providers that are making the content the consumers want to see. For example, for advertisers trying to inform or promote to consumers interested in video games, advertisers should work with YouTube channels to incorporate the message directly into a video. Instead of an ad that pops up additionally onto the site, the ad should be a part of the video from the YouTube content provider. This will bypass the ad block and reach the consumer directly. Another example is for consumers viewing the stories of their favorite big Instagram or Snapchat account. If the content provider of the account places the ad directly into their story then the consumer will reach the message directly.
3. I personally do not believe that companies should immediately resort to "playing hardball" with customers. Instead, they should use other tactics including legal and creative strategies. Legally, it is possible to consider ad blocking as anticompetitive which will create monopolies. Advertisers should consider tactics like this to handle legal matters with ad blocking companies. Content providers should also design better ads. Customers are suggesting that they use ad block to avoid irrelevant and annoying ads, so content providers should focus on designing customized and appealing ads to capture the impressions of customers.
4. I believe that advertisers will be successful in this marketplace as they will learn to adapt to what the customer likes and dislikes about ads. Ad block is not the underlying issue for advertisers. It is an obstacle used by consumers because of the extreme dislike they have attained with previous ads. I believe advertisers will learn to design ads that are short, appealing, and relevant to their customers leading to a shift away from the use of ad block. Advertisers and content providers will realize that punishing the customer with denied access or other harmful tactics is unappealing customers. Instead, they will look for a more positive approach to find a solution.
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