Consumer behaviour and consequently consumers purchasing

Assignment Help Marketing Research
Reference no: EM132305460

Survey Sample and Analysis

Assessment Description

Chose " DELL LAPTOP" as a product

In this individual assignment, you will be given an opportunity to critically analyse and understand the driving forces of perception, attitudes, motivation, group and individual differences, culture, family and lifestyle that influence consumer behaviour and consequently consumers' purchasing decisions.

Based on the analysis you conducted in Assessment 1, you are required to create a survey via Survey Monkey - a free online instrument. The sample size must include a minimum of 15 participants who recently purchased the chosen product or service that you analysed in Assessment 1. The survey must comprise of 10 questions. You are then required to provide a 6- page summary, analysis and discussion of the key findings from your data collection.

Please note that it is essential to seek "real" and valid participants who legitimately purchased the chosen product or service. You are also required to use theories and concepts related to consumer behaviour discussed in weeks 5 to 8 by incorporating consumer behaviour literature into your analysis. These may include government publications, industry reports, and journal articles.

To start your preparation for this assessment, please follow the following steps:

1. Set a goal (e.g., what are you trying to achieve by conducting this survey, and why?)

2. Design a questionnaire based on the following topics:
Perception Group and individual differences
Attitudes Culture
Motivation Family and lifestyle
N.B.: Please note that not all of these topics may be applicable to your chosen product or service).
3. Select participants
4. Gather data
5. Analyse data
6. Write a 6-page summary analysis
7. Attach graphical evidence of the survey results as an appendix (not included in the 6 pages)

collection tool, it is recommended to view the following online tutorials or contact your subject coordinator for further guidance and support.

Survey Monkey: How to Get Started

Survey Design Tutorial Part 1: Choosing a Survey Goal

Survey Design Tutorial Part 2: Writing a Question List

Survey Design Tutorial Part 3: Best Way to Write a Multiple Choice Question

Survey Design Tutorial Part 4: Yes/No Questions

Survey Design Tutorial Part 5: How To Write Clear Answer Choices

Survey Design Tutorial Part 6: How To Use Ranges

Survey Design Tutorial Part 7: Matrix Questions

For more useful tips on how to use Survey Monkey, please view YouTube channel

If you have any further questions related to the technical aspect of Survey Monkey, please contact your subject coordinator directly.

Assessment Format

Your sample survey analysis should follow a professional report structure: Arial size 12 text font;

1.5 spacing; 6 pages (no more); Headings: Purpose Development of a survey instrument Administration processes

Data Analysis Key Findings Reference List
Appendices (Survey Monkey graphical representation of results)

Attachment:- Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Psychology.rar

Verified Expert

In this report, consumer behavior toward purchasing products has been analyzed. In due course, marketing psychology of companies has also been assessed that drives sales of products. for understanding the dependent variable consumer behavior and independent variable marketing psychology, the strategic implications of Dell have been considered. While pursuance of the project analysis, survey monkey toll has been used which has been effective and helpful in reflecting the interdependence of the variables. The report has documented the positive impacts of marketing psychology on the purchasing behavior of consumers through the conductance of a survey process using the survey monkey online tool.

Reference no: EM132305460

Questions Cloud

Possible scenario in terms of controlling risk : 1. With regards to the order of hierarchy, what is the best possible scenario in terms of controlling risk?
Conscious incompetence to unconscious competence : What type of additional support would you require to move from conscious incompetence to unconscious competence?
Discuss the key aspects of robert kelleys approach : Every employee has hidden talents that could take a company from good to great. Discuss the key aspects of Robert Kelley's approach for coaching salespeople
Brand and what they did collaborate together : Write three to four hundred words only about giving an example on Co Brand and what they did collaborate together.
Consumer behaviour and consequently consumers purchasing : MBA404 Consumer Behaviour and Marketing Psychology - Kaplan business school - Survey Sample and Analysis - critically analyse and understand the driving forces
Purpose of the imputed interest rules : What is the purpose of the imputed interest rules?
Taxpayer has a large loss in the current year : Due to an unusual event, a taxpayer has a large loss in the current year, resulting in an NOL.
What are the options available regarding treatment : What are the options available regarding treatment of an amount paid in excess of the FMV of an acquired company's net assets?
What are the issues for calfornia businesses : What are the issues for Calfornia businesses breaking into the Japanese marketplace, recommendations and an outlook on the future trade with Japan?



5/14/2019 4:54:40 AM

Report Format /20 marks Total marks /100 o Correct grammar and spelling throughout the analysis with no obvious errors. o There is an obvious and logical connection between your statements, enhancing the structure, synthesis, credibility, and readability of your analysis. o Your analysis is professionally presented and exceeds expectations in what is evidently suitable for a high-grade commercial environment. o In-text referencing and the resultant reference list adheres to Kaplan Harvard Referencing Style, with no errors.


5/14/2019 4:54:28 AM

Marking Criteria Questionnaire Design and Theory Application /20 marks HD (High Distinction) 85 – 100% You have expertly applied and integrated all of the theories relevant to consumer behaviour. Sample Survey Analysis /40 marks You critically analyse and interpret the survey information articulately and convincingly. Research /20 marks Your research is extensive and focused, complemented by a quality selection and a large range of primary and secondary sources.


5/14/2019 4:53:39 AM

Hi There, I have attached assessment details, please find it.PLEASE MUST GO THROUGH IT AND REFER MARKING RUBRIC TO MAKE ASSIGNMENT for higher marks. This assignment is based on my previous assignment in which I chose " DELL LAPTOP" as a product and I have also attached below video link of assignment.

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