Consumer behavior - global product strategy

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Reference no: EM131150752 , Length:

The assignment on topic CONSUMER BEHAVIOR 300-350 words.

It includes four paragraphs Purpose of topic Intro Summary Personl opinion References

H & M promises Aussie shoppers ‘no leftovers' and same price as overseas

The article demonstrates how Swedish H &M plans to modify their global product strategy to cater for the Australian climate (Mitchell 2014).

H&M is a global brand, its success driven by its ability to service a global customer need and maintain strong brand positioning internationally (Fletcher and Crawford 2011) as an affordable, fast-fashion brand. Thus, due to the familiarity global consumers have with their brand, H & M is able to enter new markets and successfully acquire a sustainable proportion of domestic market share (Mitchell 2014).

H & M has followed a global product strategy throughout their northern hemisphere markets, producing clothing that appeals; and is suited, to a large number of global markets (Fletcher and Crawford 2011). A standardized clothing range has been appropriate for these markets as they experience similar weather simultaneously. For instance, when consumers in. the US are looking to purchase warm winter coats, so too are European consumers due to the corresponding seasons.

However, H&M are now entering Australia with the need to modify their product strategy for an opposing climate (Mitchell 2014). This process is referred to as adaptation, requiring firms to make changes to the product in order to meet the needs of the consumer (Fletcher and Crawford 2011). Australia's climate is significantly different to the European climate. Whilst some international brands have sent clothing that was sold during a particular European season, six months later (Mitchell 2014), H & M promises to offer "fresh and seasonal" (Mitchell 2014) designs created specifically for Australian consumers. A strategy that will likely lead to success in Australia for H & M.

It includes two references.

Verified Expert

This work have 300 words, written in Microsoft word. It talks about the significance of consumer behavior and how companies are being affected by it.Here H&M clothing company is taken into consideration who highly prioritize its customers. The work is having references which is not more than 6 months old and also have incited references.

Reference no: EM131150752

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