Consultation and intervention processes

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Reference no: EM133551501

Present a project proposal about a community problem on lack of integration support for immigrants in Toowoomba, Australia.

1. Demonstrate an understanding of the roles of various disciplines in the analysis, research, consultation and intervention processes related to a selected community problem.

2. Collaborate effectively and productively with other team members who have different priorities, models, and frameworks for conceptualizing, managing and solving problems.

3. Demonstrate professional communication and organization skills necessary to work effectively within a multidisciplinary team, including group facilitation, leadership, planning, decision making, conflict resolution and effective use of computer mediated communications.

4. Plan community level strategies with processes inclusive of all stakeholders.

Reference no: EM133551501

Questions Cloud

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Consultation and intervention processes : Demonstrate an understanding of the roles of various disciplines in the analysis, research, consultation and intervention processes
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Explain how the the chosen strategies work : Explain how the the chosen strategies work within the vision and the mission of the established community development plan of the haberfield men's shed
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