Consultancy report on employee morale and motivation

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Reference no: EM131405040 , Length: 3900

Write a Consultancy Report on Employee Morale and Motivation

Executive Summary

Call centers play a crucial role in enhancing service delivery in the contemporary technologically advanced business environment. With the aim of achieving effective service delivery, value creation is an important aspect that enhances the success of call centers with the emphasis being laid on the value that is ultimately delivered to the customers. In the context of the review, Company ABC is an outsourcing company that partners with innovative technology companies to establish call centers. Such call centers strive to develop multi-channel customer experience solutions that reduce the costs incurred in performing essential business tasks while optimizing the revenue of the clients. In order to provide high-value services to their customers while improving the firm’s performance, it will be important for the company to improve employee morale and motivation. To provide consultancy on the process of achieving this strategy, the company was analyzed through the use of observational methods. The research on the company depicted that employees were suffering from low morale and motivation. Such a situation was associated with such reasons as ineffective communication and inadequate incentive and rewards system that depicted inequality across different departments. The consultant later developed solutions to the issues facing the firm’s performance. The consultative solutions proposed were aimed at addressing morale and motivation issues through the use of an emphatic approach to achieve long-term goals for the company. 

Words Limit: 3500
References: Minimum 10

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Reference no: EM131405040

Questions Cloud

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What assumption would be required in given context : For a simple random sample consisting of 5 employees, what assumption would be required if we are to use the standard normal distribution in determining P(x‾ ≥ 220)?
Briefly define organizational behavior : Briefly define organizational behavior. How can the knowledge of organizational behavior be used to enhance a person's job performance and career? It would be very helpful if you can provide some examples.
Consultancy report on employee morale and motivation : Write a Consultancy Report on Employee Morale and Motivation, Call centers play a crucial role in enhancing service delivery in the contemporary technologically advanced business environment. With the aim of achieving effective service delivery, valu..
What risk management methods and standards : Answer each question in as much detail as possible, considering your organisational requirements for each one. 1. What risk management methods and standards are best to use for the following low level risk situations. Explain why.
What extent must the sample size be increased : For a given sample size, the standard error of the sample mean is 10 grams. With other factors unchanged, to what extent must the sample size be increased if the standard error of the sample mean is to be just 5 grams?
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What z score corresponds to the sample mean : When the machine is properly calibrated, what is the probability that the mean for a simple random sample of this size will be at least 26.2 seconds?


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