Constructing and hedging investment portfolios

Assignment Help Portfolio Management
Reference no: EM13230183

You are required to describe, with examples, the range of alternative investments which are generally available on capital and other markets and to consider how they are used in constructing and hedging investment portfolios.

Details of the Assignment requirements, suggested points for detailed examination and penalties for late lodgment are in the Subject Outline.

You are required to complete this essay either individually or as a Group Assignment (no more than three (3) members in a group). If undertaken as a Group Assignment, include a separate page signed by each member of the Group, detailing what each member wrote or contributed. In the case of a Group Assignment, each member will receive the same mark.


Reference no: EM13230183

Questions Cloud

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Constructing and hedging investment portfolios : You are required to describe, with examples, the range of alternative investments which are generally available on capital and other markets and to consider how they are used in constructing and hedging investment portfolios.
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