Construct the weak form of linear equation

Assignment Help Theory of Computation
Reference no: EM131014209

Find the solution:

1. Construct the weak form of the following linear equation. Are the boundary conditions "essential" or "natural"?

x2d2u/dx2 = -f(x) 0 ≤ x ≤ L

du/dx|x=0      du/dx|x=L = 0

2. Construct the weak form of the following nonlinear equation. Identify the BC's as either "essential" or "natural."

-d/dx(udu/dx) + f =  0 ≤ x ≤ 1

(u.du/dx)|z=0 = 0     u(1) = √2

3. Construct the weak forms of the following nonlinear equations representing the Euler-Bernoulli-von Kaman nonlinear theory of beams:

-d/dx{EA [du/dx + 1/2(ds/dx)2]} = f     0 ≤ x ≤ L

-d2/dx2{EI d2s/dx2) -d/dx{a.ds/dx[du/dx + 1/2(ds/dx)2]} = q

u = s = 0 at x = 0, L

(ds/dx)|x = 0 = 0,                   (EId2S/dx2)| x = L  = Mo

See how to find the weak forms for a system of equations.

Reference no: EM131014209

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