Construct the truth table for a full subtractor circuit

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Reference no: EM131385997


1. Using 3/8 binary decoder and the necessary gate, implement the following function:

f(A,B,C,D) = P0 + P2 + P3 + P6

2. Using 8/3 binary encoder and necessary gates, design and implement the 8/3 priority encoder shown below:

466_Priority Encoder.jpg

3. Using the 8/3 priority encoder shown above and OR gates, show how to build a 16/4 priority encoder

4. Using 2/4 binary decoders and the minimum number of gates, construct the following:

a) 3/8 binary decoder.
b) 4/16 binary decoder.

5. a) Construct the truth table for a full subtractor circuit.

b) Two 4-bit data inputs multiplexers are used to realize a full subtractor. One is used to generate the difference output Di, while the other is used to generate the output borrow Bi+1 as shown below. What are the data inputs to each one of these multiplexers to realize its function.


Reference no: EM131385997

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