Construct linear optimization model for given product

Assignment Help Engineering Mathematics
Reference no: EM131440258

Question: Roberto's Honey Farm in Chile makes five types of honey: cream, filtered, pasteurized, mélange (a mixture of several types), and strained, which are sold in 1-kilogram or 0.5-kilogram glass containers, 1-kilogram and 0.75-kilogram plastic containers, or in bulk. Key data are shown in the following tables.



Harvesting and production costs (in pesos) for each product per kilogram are

- Cream: 322

- Filtered: 255

- Pasteurized: 305

- Mélange: 272

- Strained: 287

Develop a linear optimization model to maximize profit if a total of 10,000 kilograms of honey are available.

Reference no: EM131440258

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