Construct how children and adults may wish to express

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Reference no: EM133313063

Discuss gender - female, male, intersex - and, thinking about what we've learned about gender in terms of biology and culture - gender roles, gender stratification, gender ideology, biological variation, non-binary gender, and also your own or your friends' or family members' experiences or news events, reflect on the following:

"Powerful social forces help construct how children and adults may wish to express their gender, but anthropologists and biologists who explain how this happens in our societies do not deny that biological factors contribute to who we are. What they do deny is that biology should be used as a weapon to exclude people from the opportunity to live their lives as they should be entitled to do." -- Anthropologist Barbara J. King

"...being intersex isn't a medical 'problem' to be 'solved' any. more so than being born male or female is one." -- CNN article, "Running As Equals"

Reference no: EM133313063

Questions Cloud

Brief sharing of your portfolio during class : brief sharing of your portfolio during class at the end of the semester in early childhood education and field replacement. This is an oral summary
Describe as male-dominated : O&A's corporate culture can definitely be described as "male-dominated". Due to lower rate of recruitment, there were little to no job openings throughout film.
Digital marketing plan of travel agency : Digital Marketing plan of travel agency. Describe your marketing team. What is your approximate marketing budget, if any?
What is the article about empirically : What is the article about empirically? In other words, what is being studied as the object? Where are the events and people geographically situated
Construct how children and adults may wish to express : construct how children and adults may wish to express their gender, but anthropologists and biologists who explain how this happens in our societies
Firm value and cost of capital are independent : With perfect capital markets, a firm's value and cost of capital are independent of its choice of capital structure.
Discuss whether this change has been mostly positive : Discuss whether this change has been mostly positive or negative (health/illness, tourism, capitalism, cultural heritage, and the environment)
Explain the four major categories of quality costs : List and explain the four major categories of quality costs. Why are they important considerations and give examples of each. Describe the six basic steps
What are the positive and negative outcomes of both : Discuss the social, economic, and political differences between food-foraging societies and food- producing societies. What are the positive and negative


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