Reference no: EM133187630
Frequency domain control design methods
Problem 1: Let G be a plant with the transfer function G.s/ D 1=.s - 1/. The goal is to stabilize it with minimum control effort, measured by a size of the control sensitivity transfer function, Tc(s) = R(s)/1 - G(s)/R(s).
Question 1. What is the smallest attainable ||Tc||∞ What controller R(s) attains it?
Question 2. Assume that the bound |Tc (jω)| ≤ 1 has to be met for all ω > ω0 for some ω0 > 0. What is the lower bound on ||Tc||∞ in this case ? Plot this bound as a function of ω0.
Question 3. Construct generalized plants for the standard H∞ problem corresponding to the problems in items 1 and 2.
Problem 2. Consider the DC motor from HW1, now with the parameters

(the difference is hat La = 0 now). The requirements remain the same:
• an integral action in R(s),
• high-frequency roll-off of at least 1 for R(s),
• µm ≥ 0:5 <=> |S.jω| ≤ 2 for all ω,
• |Tc(jω)| ≤ 1 for all ω.
Using the H∞ loop-shaping procedure, design a controller satisfying these requirements. Try to maximize the resulting crossover frequency ωc. Explain your design choices.
Besides a brief file with explanations, submit a MyName.mat (with your name in place of "MyName") file having LTI 3 systems in it:
• the plant, named G
• the controller, named R
• the final weight used in the design, named W