Construct e-r diagram for employees working for department

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM131683507


A. Normalization

1. Due to your enhanced knowledge in database design, you volunteered to establish your homeowners' association database. You are to create a database with the following attributes:

home address
home phone number
resident last name 1
resident first name 1
resident last name 2
resident first name 2
resident last name 3
resident first name 3
resident last name n
resident first name n
assoc membership payment date
assoc membership payment amount
homeowner violation date
homeowner violation type

Apply the normalization techniques you have learned to make the database more efficient. Do up to 3NF.

2. Given a computer hardware and software inventory database data structure with the following attributes:

computerserial number
computer model name
computer user name
computer user department
department name
software title
computer where software title is installed
software key/serial number

Apply the normalization techniques you have learned to make the database more efficient. Do up to 3NF.

3. Given a doctor dataset data structure with the following attributes:


Apply the normalization techniques you have learned to make the database more efficient. Do up to 3NF.

B. ER Modeling

1. Construct an E-R diagram for employees working for department
2. Construct an E-R diagram for a football player playing for a team and a team assigned to divisions.
3. Construct an E-R diagram for an artist performing a song and a song contained in an album.
4. Construct an E-R diagram for an officer of a club who is also a member, the club affiliated with the department, department under a school, a school under a university.

Reference no: EM131683507

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