Construct circuit in multisim using calculated values for v

Assignment Help Other Engineering
Reference no: EM131325905


For the circuit below, perform the following:

1. Given an AC input voltage of Vrms = 200Vrms and a sinusoidal frequency of omega = 120pi rad/sec, determine the following:

o V1peak (peak value of AC input voltage)
o V1(peak-to-Vpeak )(peak to peak value of AC input voltage)
o Frequency of input voltage V1 in Hz.
o V2peak (peak value of AC output voltage)
o V2(peak-to-Vpeak )(peak to peak value of AC output voltage)
o Frequency of output voltage V2 in Hz.

Construct circuit in MultiSIM using calculated values for V1.

Capture a screenshot that shows V1 and V2 on an oscilloscope XSC1.

Submit calculations, MultSIM screenshot and MultiSIM circuit (.ms11) file

187_MultSIM screenshot and circuit.jpg

For the circuit below, perform the following:

Given a voltage gain of -10, determine the value of R2.

Calculate the peak-to-peak value of Vout and rms value of Vout.

Construct circuit in MultiSIM with calculated value of R2.

Capture a screenshot that shows the input voltage V1 and output voltage Vout in MultiSIM with an oscilloscope XSC1

Submit calculations, MultSIM screenshot and MultiSIM circuit (.ms11) file.

2030_MultSIM screenshot and circuit1.jpg

Reference no: EM131325905

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