Construct an sql statement to display the employee id

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM133748594

Database Design

Task 1

Construct an SQL statement to find the total number of products in stock for each category

Task 2

Construct an SQL statement to retrieve a list of all product names along with the corresponding suppliers, this list is sorted by product names in ascending order.

Task 3

Construct an SQL statement to display a list of city names along with the number of customers in each city, sorted in descending order based on the number of customers.

Task 4

Construct an SQL statement to find the products that have the highest price within their categories. Display the product name, category name, and unit price.

Task 5

Construct an SQL statement to display the employee ID, first name, last name, and the number of territories he/she manages, with the results sorted by the number of territories in descending order.

Reference no: EM133748594

Questions Cloud

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Construct an sql statement to display the employee id : Construct an SQL statement to display the employee ID, first name, last name, and the number of territories he/she manages, with the results sorted
Discuss the creation of the cybercriminal : Discuss the creation of the cybercriminal, a new breed of criminals, and how cybercriminals differed from past criminals.
Postadjudication court that provides a blend of treatment : Identify the postadjudication court that provides a blend of treatment and sanction alternatives to address behavior, rehabilitation.
Discuss the tactics used by law enforcement officials : Analyze the aspects to which the false confession was given. Discuss the tactics used by law enforcement officials and explain if they were legal.
Explain how high-leverage practice is applied differently : How technology is used in the classroom? Explain how high-leverage practice is applied differently among each classroom setting.


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