Construct an entity-relationship model for the database

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13335436

1. Construct an entity-relationship (ER) model for the database. Make sure you include in your model details of entities, relationships, attributes, keys and limits in participation.

Ensure that you give adequate justification for the assumptions that you make in designing your entity-relationship model and include any important integrity constraints (business rules).

2. Show by providing SQL statements, that all of the ‘dot points' in the Operations section can be produced from an implementation of your ER diagrams. Sometimes you may need to use more than one SQL statement, and you should explain how one SQL statement provides information needed by the subsequent SQL statement. NOTE: You don't have to actually create the database and run the queries, this is a thought exercise to show that the queries are possible.


Reference no: EM13335436

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