Construct a professional report for the board of tatua

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Reference no: EM131860388 , Length: word count:6500

Assessment - Regional Integration A New Zealand Perspective

Outline: New Zealand has a number of Free Trade Agreements, one of which is the long standing Closer Economic Relationships (CER) agreement with Australia, Australia is one of New Zealand's largest trading partners, and the other agreement of prominence is the NZ China Free Trade. However, with the Trans Pacific Partnership Agreement (TPPA) has recently been agreed and soon to be ratified by 12 signatory governments, the Board of the Dairy company Tatua has engaged your International Business Consulting Firm to review the existing trade agreements and how the TPPA will impact on these existing markets and whether there are new opportunities to pursue.

Requirement: You are required to construct an inductive professional report for the Board of Tatua. The development of an inductive report is a strongly applied piece of work and must link theory and practice.

You are to from NZ Perspective answer the following questions:
1. Discuss the objectives of the CER & New Zealand China free trade agreements.
2. How have they benefited New Zealand society ?
3. How have they not benefited New Zealand society ?
4. Have they created wealth for some or all ?
    a. Discuss from a New Zealand Perspective.
    b. Discuss from the Dairy industry perspective. Are all sized ie. are small and medium sized companies benefiting ?
    c. Discuss from Tatua's perspective - include; shareholders, employees and stakeholders such as government agencies.
5. How does the new TPPA impact New Zealand's existing Bi Lateral Trade Agreements - CER & the New Zealand China Free Trade Agreement ? Also discuss these impacts from Tatua's perspective, how does this impact on their existing markets and are there new opportunities to pursue ? What are the risks ? How would you mitigate them ? Do a PESTLE.
6. Finally make recommendations as to which markets to pursue and why.

These questions will cover topics from chapters;

1 - Globalisation
2 - National Differences in the Political Economy
3 - Political Economy and Economic Development
6 - International Trade
7 - The Political Economy of International Trade
8 - Foreign Direct Investment
9 - Regional Integration

Your report must:

The report must demonstrate comprehension of International Business Perspectives course. Therefore, whatever you choose you must make reference to International Business frameworks, concepts and terminology that you have encountered in workshops and self-learning, and from directed material and independent research.

This must be combined with industry material and data to provide sound argument, rationale and decisions, ultimately leading to recommendations that your report will produce.

Further, your report must:
- Be from the management perspective (i.e. not be a marketing report)
- Be real and addressable
- Use theory and practice to demonstrate knowledge

Length: 6,000 - 8,000 words (approximately 20 - 25 pages)

Report Format;
- Title
- Executive Summary
- Introduction
- Discussion - Answer Questions 1 - 5
- Conclusion
- Recommendation
- Presentation
- Bibliography / Research

Learning outcomes addressed:

1. Determine the scope and impact international trade has organisational and national growth.
2. Analyse the development of international business, the growth and the benefits and challenges for business operating in a globalised world.
3. Evaluate issues that affect the management of people and organisation in international business.
4. Develop strategies to enable managers to conduct business internationally.
5. Analyse and provide practical solutions to international business problems.

Reference no: EM131860388

Questions Cloud

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Compare the variability of the tire life : Suppose the Goodyear Tire Company developed two new brands of tires and would like to compare the variability of the tire life of the two.
Describe the background of the theorist : Prepare a PowerPoint presentation describing the background of the theorist, description of the theory, assumptions of the theory and application of the theory.



2/12/2018 2:06:10 AM

55-64% C+/B- (Competent) - A reasonably balanced summary of the issues as reflected in course study materials. Adequate content but lacking theoretical depth. - Clear introduction, with some organization of main points but lacking clear links and/or thematic sequence - The text of the assignment shows that the course materials have been read and acknowledged. An accurate bibliography is attached - Most presentation details met e.g. spacing, fonts, margin, legibility, citations, grammar, and spelling. 50-54% C (Acceptable) - Assignment requirements/topic not fully covered. Material is insufficiently elaborated. - Overuse of quotations with little explanation. Acceptable but flawed content - Adequate introduction, with structure barely discernible and/or somewhat confused and some major points missed. - Reference material is not well integrated into text of the assignment. Little evidence that quality of sources has been considered. - Limited acknowledgement and light bibliography - Minor presentation flaws.


2/12/2018 2:05:53 AM

Grade Criteria 75-100% A-/A/A+ (Outstanding /Excellent) - A comprehensive exploration of the topic, with sound critical comment and a clear synthesis of the issues. Original and/or scholarly content and depth of theoretical analysis. - A lucid and logically structured argument with systematic and critical evaluation of the main points. - Detailed support from literature with references appropriately integrated. - High quality sources identified, interpreted and evaluated - Virtually flawless presentation. Clear, concise and logically presented argument and/or discussion. 65-74% B/B+ (Very Good) - A systematic exploration of the assignment topic which may include some critical comment and appraisal. Substantive content. - Clear introduction, conclusion and thematic sequence, with main points elaborated. - Regular support provided from the literature. Use of quotes where appropriate, with some interpretive comment. - Clear expression, well-constructed sentences and paragraphs with few presentation flaws.


2/12/2018 2:05:47 AM

Recommendations /10 - Details the course of action that should be followed - Recommendations flow from findings - Action oriented & focus on the future - Are specific, realistic and achievable (Expectation of 5 points of argument with example. 2 marks per argument with example = 10 marks total) Presentation /5 - Clear communication - Sound structure - Format, layout, spelling, grammer etc - Uses appendices to supplement discussion - In own language (i.e., >90% paraphrased & <10% quotes). Research /5 - Relevant information - Sources referenced correctly - Broad and deep reference material - Valid information - Referencing, in-text and listed TOTAL MARKS (%) 100.00


2/12/2018 2:05:30 AM

Question 4) /15 - Analyses the situation using theoretical and practical concepts - Uses evidence to back claims - Is logical and creates sound argument - Major topics identified - Develops the main issues/themes (Expectation of 5 points of argument with example. 3 marks per argument with example = 15 marks total) Section Marking Criteria Mark Question 5) /20 - Analyses the situation using theoretical and practical concepts - Uses evidence to back claims - Is logical and creates sound argument - Major topics identified - Develops the main issues/themes (Expectation of 5 points of argument with example. 4 marks per argument with example = 20 marks total) Conclusions /15 - Summarises the key findings – the key issues or problems in the situation - Grounded in the present situation - Listed as numbered points in order of importance - Relate directly to the objectives of the Business Case (Expectation of 5 points of argument with example. 3 marks per argument with example = 15 marks total)


2/12/2018 2:05:21 AM

Discussion Section: Questions 1 - 5 Question 1) /5 - Analyses the situation using theoretical and practical concepts - Uses evidence to back claims - Is logical and creates sound argument - Major topics identified - Develops the main issues/themes (Expectation of 5 points of argument with example. 1 marks per argument with example = 5 marks total) Question 2) /10 - Analyses the situation using theoretical and practical concepts - Uses evidence to back claims - Is logical and creates sound argument - Major topics identified - Develops the main issues/themes (Expectation of 5 points of argument with example. 2 marks per argument with example = 10 marks total) Question 3) /10 - Analyses the situation using theoretical and practical concepts - Uses evidence to back claims - Is logical and creates sound argument - Major topics identified - Develops the main issues/themes (Expectation of 5 points of argument with example. 2 marks per argument with example = 10 marks total)


2/12/2018 2:05:12 AM

Please go through the attachment there should be an introduction about 1-6 question. Please follow the marking criteria /formats Weightage 60% Due: 10am Friday 16th Section Marking Criteria Title - Well-chosen subject Executive summary - A useful summary of the entire Business Case - Covers the essence of the aims, objectives, findings and main recommendations. Introduction /5 - Provides an overview of the subject matter of the Business Case - Establishes the context of the Business Case - Includes a statement about the change, problem or issue that needs investigating - Terms of reference or scope of the Business Case - Defines the objectives of the Business Case - Sets readers expectations - States any limitations or assumptions (Expectation of 5 points of argument with example. 1 marks per argument with example = 5 marks total)

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