Construct a portfolio to provide for returns

Assignment Help Finance Basics
Reference no: EM1352860

You have received $1MM from your uncle's estate and have been offered the opportunity to invest in stocks or bonds. Given the that your investment horizon is twenty years how would you construct a portfolio to provide for returns that are at least 5% better then the returns on government securities of a similar term? Why?

Reference no: EM1352860

Questions Cloud

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Construct a portfolio to provide for returns : You have received $1 million from your uncle's estate and have been provided the opportunity to invest in stocks or bonds.
Find how long the sled takes to travel from a to b : On a cool morning, when the temperature is 14.0 ^circC, you measure pressure in your car tires to be 20.0 psi. After driving 40.0 mi on the freeway, the temperature of your tires is 50.0 ^circC.
Explain product or service using the six principal component : Write a letter proposal (informal) promoting your chosen product or service using the six principal components
Organizational psychology and organizational culture : Explain what are the benefits of having a strong organizational culture and what are some of the drawbacks
Various personality traits or characteristics : Some theories argue about individuals falling onto a continuum in terms of personality! I would have to agree that there is no "one-size-fits all" manner of describing the various personality traits/characteristics.


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