Construct a pie-chart displaying the energy shares

Assignment Help Econometrics
Reference no: EM131220886

Question 1. Total Primary Energy Supply (TPES). This problem will require you to familiarize yourself with statistical data provided by the International Energy Agency (IEA) at Once you have identified the documents that you need, if they are not available free of charge through the IEA web-site, they are in most cases available (electronically) through the University of Toronto Library System.

a. Create a single spreadsheet workbook with the following tabs: Canada, U.S., China, India, U.K., Germany, France, Spain, Denmark, Japan and World.

b. In each case, obtain the latest available IEA data on Total Primary Energy Supply from the corresponding Energy Balance table for each of the following: coal and peat; oil (which equals the sum of crude oil and oil products); natural gas; nuclear; hydro; geo/solar etc.; biofuels and waste. (Omit the electricity entry as it covers only imports/exports.)

c. For each tab in your workbook construct a pie-chart displaying the energy shares of the various energy sources in b. above. Ensure that your charts are properly labelled.

d. For each tab aggregate the data into three categories: hydrocarbons, renewables and nuclear. Renewables include hydro, geo/solar etc., biofuels and waste. In each case construct a pie-chart illustrating energy shares of these three categories.

Question 2. Per Capita Energy Supply. Using data available from the International Energy Agency and summarized in Key World Energy Statistics, available at or through the University of Toronto Library System, construct scatter graphs for each of the following pairs of variables:

a. GDP per capita v. TPES per capita
b. GDP per capita v. CO2 per capita
c. GDP per capita v. electricity consumption per capita

In each case, your data points should be for Canada, U.S., China, India, France, U.K., Germany, Denmark, Japan.

Question 3. CO2 Emissions. Tabulate the 10 countries with the highest CO2 emissions and their shares of total world emissions. Data may be obtained from documents entitled Key World Energy Statistics available at

4. Energy History Timeline. Construct a list of 20 events in human history that you consider to be the most important from the perspective of energy. (These will primarily consist of inventions and discoveries.) Be sure to document your sources. In each case, provide a brief explanation of the importance of the event.

5. Laws of Thermodynamics. Write a short exposition (not exceeding 200 words) of the roles that the first two laws of thermodynamics play in energy economics.

6. COP21 Write a short exposition (not exceeding 400 words) summarizing
a. the purpose of COP21;
b. the results of the proceedings;
c. the next steps that are to be undertaken by participants.

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Reference no: EM131220886

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