Reference no: EM132455353
1. Construct a phrase structure tree for each of the following expressions:
a. for Bob
b. liked the gray cat
c. some fluffy gray dog
d. the m a n with Sally
e. sent the m a n an email
f. thought Sally hated Bob
g. barked yesterday
h. fell into the pond
i. drifted slowly under the bridge
j. this silly picture of Pat
k. Chris loved Robin passionately
l. Pat pushed the stubborn horse into the barn
m . A student from m y class claimed the teacher disliked him
2. Each of the following strings of words is structurally ambiguous. For each, construct two phrase structure trees to show that the string of words in question corresponds to two distinct sentences.
a. Polly shot the soldier with a gun.
b. Sally called her friend from France.
c. Bob said she seemed cute yesterday.