Construct a logical data model by transforming the data

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM132364472

Database Systems Assignment - Database Design & Implementation

This assignment concerns database conceptual modelling, logical design and implementation. It consists of developing an enhanced ER (EER) model (Conceptual data model - CDM), transforming the EER model into a relational data model (logical data model - LDM), forward engineering the relational model to produce a DDL script, creating and populating the database tables, and running SQL queries against the tables. The description of the Problem domain is given below.

1. Problem Domain

This question deals with a system used by an advertising agency called Shine to manage clients' advertising campaigns. Shine has a number of full-time staff members (such as directors, administrative personnel, accountants, account managers, technical personnel) and also a number of casual staff members (such as actors, models, graphic designers) who can offer specialized skills for each advertising campaign for its clients. Casual staff members do not have a permanent office in the agency and are contacted on their mobile phone. Shine has a hierarchical management structure where each staff member (except for the managing director) reports to a single supervisor within the company.

Shine deals with other companies as its clients. A record is kept of each client company, and each client company has one main contact person with Shine. Similarly, Shine nominates a full-time member of its staff - a director, or an account manager to be the contact for each client. Casual staff members are not eligible to be contact persons.

Shine runs advertising campaigns for its clients, and a record is kept of every campaign. Each campaign is based on a unique theme. One full-time member of Shine's staff, again either a director or an account manager, manages each campaign. Shine staff may work on zero, or one or more campaigns at a time. For each campaign they work on, they are answerable to the manager of that campaign, who may or may not be their own supervisor.

When a campaign starts, an estimate of the cost and finish date needs to be set and agreed upon. Each campaign includes one or more adverts. Adverts can be one of several types: websites, newspapers, magazines, TV, etc. Shine currently operates five studios and each advert may require a few bookings of studios for a number of hours on specific times and dates. Shine charges an hourly rate for studio bookings. The actual cost of a campaign is calculated from a range of information such as: cost of staff time, cost of studio time, cost of consumables etc.

The system also holds a number of fixed salary grades and annual and hourly pay rates of each grade, so that the cost of staff time on a campaign can be calculated from the timesheets that they fill out. Shine pays annual salaries to full-time staff but it charges hourly pay rates to its clients. Casual staff members are also graded and they are paid based on an hourly pay rate charged directly to the clients. Please note that (both full-time and casual) staff members can have different salary grades during the campaign period (for instance, when a staff member is given a pay rise right in the middle of a campaign). When the campaign is completed, an actual completion date and the actual cost are recorded and a single invoice for the whole campaign is sent to the client. The issue date and payment status of the invoice are also recorded. When the client pays, the date paid is recorded.

2. Task Specifications -

Task 1 -

Construct a conceptual data model in the form of an enhanced ER (EER) model for the above problem domain (see the Appendix for a sample). Identify and justify the use of, if any, generalization /specialisation, weak entity types, and attributes on relationships. This model should include entities, attributes, primary keys, the relationships among entities with cardinality and constraints. You can make any reasonable assumptions if there is a lack of information on particular aspects and/or you think there is ambiguity. If necessary, you may also introduce additional entities to ensure that every data requirement is captured. Note that you should not show the foreign keys in the EER model.

You can do this task through a data modeling tool such as PowerDesigner or a drawing tool such as Add/paste the EER model into the Assignment1.doc file.

Task 2 -

Construct a logical data model (a relational data model) by transforming the conceptual data model of Task 1, showing the relations, their attributes, and foreign and primary keys. The relational data model can be presented either as a relation diagram or a relational schema (see the Appendix for samples).

You can choose to construct the relational data model either through MySQL Workbench or another tool such as PowerDesigner, or using a text editor. Add/paste the model into the Assignment1.doc file.

Task 3 -

List the functional dependencies (make necessary assumptions) for each relation in the relational data model of Task 2. Identify the normal form each relation is in and justify it according to the definition of the corresponding normal form (e.g., if a relation is already in 2NF and doesn't have any transitive dependencies, it is in 3NF).

Task 4 -

Create and run the DDL scripts to implement the relevant tables in the relational data model in MySQL. You can choose to do this either through MySQL Workbench by forward engineering the model or manually using a text editor. The DDL scripts will be saved in your Assignment1.sql file.

Create and run the DML scripts to insert records into each of your tables (there should be a minimum of 5 records per table). When inserting records into the tables, you need to make sure that the result of each SQL query (for Task 5 given below) will return at least one record.

The DML scripts will also be saved in your Assignment1.sql file. Take snapshots of the tables populated with data and add them to the Assignment1.doc file.

Task 5 -

Write and run the DML scripts for the following queries. Note that these SQL queries must be tested using the data you inserted in Task 4. The DML scripts will be saved in your Assignment1.sql file. Take snapshots of the tables of the query execution (query and result) and add it to the Assignment1.doc file.

Q1. List the titles and themes of the Campaigns' whose actual costs are below the average estimated cost of all the campaigns.

Q2. List the campaign titles and the number of their advertisements whose completion dates were earlier than their target dates.

Q3. List all the names of full-time staff members whose supervisor(s) were not the managers of the campaigns they worked on.

Q4. For campaigns with more than two staff members working on them, list the campaign title and the number of staff members who had salary grade greater than 2.

Q5. List all the full-time staff members who do not manage any campaigns.

Attachment:- Database - SQL Assignment File.rar

Verified Expert

The conceptual and logical model of the specified system has been developed in order to make the graphical view of the system.The model is presented with the help of the er diagram.The relational model of the system is also provided.

Reference no: EM132364472

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Submission - You must submit all the work in two documents named Assignment1.doc and Assignment1.sql through the electronic submission site on ilearn. If you modify your file(s) after submission, you may re-submit your assignment again before the due date. The Assignment1.doc file will be based on the template word file provided on ilearn. Fill out the details provided on the first page of the template. For each task, follow the instructions given and add your answers in. You are not allowed to submit hand drawn images for the models/diagrams in Tasks 1 & 2; you should use a modelling or drawing tool as mentioned above. If you happen to submit hand-drawn images, you will NOT receive any marks for it.


9/2/2019 12:54:24 AM

If your images for any task lack clarity and /or they are not legible, you will not be given any marks. Tutors can zoom in to check the diagrams. But we will not be able to increase the quality of the image. Whatever is submitted is the final submission. So, please make sure your images are legible. Late submissions will be accepted but there will be a deduction of 10% of the total available marks made from the total awarded mark for each 24 hour period or part thereof that the submission is late. For example, 25 hours late in submission for an assignment worth 10 marks – 20% penalty or 2 marks deducted from the total.

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