Construct a list of potential entities.

Assignment Help Database Management System
Reference no: EM13949845

The Jefferson Dance Club teaches social dancing and offers both private and group lessons. Jefferson charges $45 per hour per student (or couple) for a private lesson and charges $6 per hour per student for a group lesson. Private lessons are offered six days per week (from noon until 10 p.m.). Group lessons are offered in the evenings. Jefferson employs two types of instructors: full-time salaried instructors and part-time instructors. The full-time instructors are paid a fixed amount per week, and the part-time instructors are paid either a set amount for an evening or a set amount for teaching a particular class.

In addition to the lessons, Jefferson sponsors two weekly social dances featuring recorded music. The admission charge is $5 per person. The Friday night dance is the more popular and averages around 80 people; the Sunday night dance attracts about 30 attendees. The purpose of the dances is to give the students a place in which to practice their skills. No food or drinks are served.

Jefferson wants to develop an information system to keep track of students and the classes they have taken. Jefferson?s managers also want to know how many and which types of lessons each teacher has taught and to compute the average revenue generated per lesson for each of their instructors.

The problem is to construct a database for them. To do this, a data model must be created. A Trial model must be created.

A. construct a list of potential entities.

B. create an IDEF1X diagram that shows only entities and relationships. Name each relationship and specify its cardinalities. Justify the cardinality decisions.

C. make a list of questions that will need to be asked in order to create an accurate data model.

Reference no: EM13949845

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