Construct a high - level use case diagram

Assignment Help Computer Networking
Reference no: EM13921245

A group report detailing the proposed logical system for the given case study.

The following must be included in the report:

1. A Process Model comprising of:
A statement of aim and objectives of the system
• A Context Diagram
• A set of Dataflow diagrams of Level-1 and Level-2 depicting the current system including
• External entity definitions
• Dataflow descriptions
• Data store contents
• Process descriptions

2. Data Model detailing the data structure required to support the current information and process requirements comprising of:
An Entity Relationship Diagram
Entity Descriptions
Appropriate attributes for each entity indicating primary and foreign keys
Specify the optionality, cardinality and nature of the relationships between entities
Class/Object Diagram

Identify the main classes and represent these in a UML class diagram showing classes and their methods, attributes and relationships between them showing dependency, association between classes showing cardinality

Draw the inheritance diagram to derive subclass from the base class using an appropriate modeling technique

Construct a High - Level Use Case Diagram
• Identify main actors
• Identify main functions

B. A formal group presentation portraying the key points within your investigations and report.

The presentation should focus on identifying the requirements of the business and on identifying possible solutions. Each group has two students. Each student's contribution should be identified by using their presentation and answering questions. The presentation duration should be minimum 10 minutes.

You are required to provide a professional, coordinated presentation, using conventional presentation software, either directly or via acetates. Each members of the group presenting as well as the tutorial group must attend the presentation. All students must attempt a presentation. Failure to do so will result in no marks being recorded for either report or presentation, unless extenuating circumstances occur and are upheld.

Case study:

Muscat International School Administration System (MISAS)

Muscat International School is a Private, Co-educational school in Oman to deliver the English national curriculum along with Arabic, Islamic studies and social studies to the students of all nationalities from KG to Grade 12 age range. The school has a computerized administration system to maintain and to track student's information. Academic details etc., each student is registered with unique Student Registration number. The details of services provided by the system are given below.
- Help Desk
- Admin
- User Login
- Registration
- Finance
- Book Distribution
- Library

Help Desk - If an Parent wants to get detailed information on Registration of his child he/she will be directed to Help Desk. The Help desk will have detailed information of admission procedures and other relevant details. Before receiving the information, parents will have to provide their details and their child's details which will be stored in the system.

Admin - The Administrator will be able to provide login name and password for all other employees in the school. Also access rights of the system module's to employees will be provided by the administrator

User Login - Any employee who needs to use the system, should log in to the system using his/her user id and password given by the administrator. User can change the password at any time.

Registration - The Parents are able to admit their child in the school by receiving the registration form, fill the child details and submit it to the registration department. During this process, the student will he provided with the student ID and the details are sent to the Finance Department.

Finance - this department is used to prepare the fee details and also to report payment from the parents. Parents can pay the lees as Cash. Demand Draft and also debit/credit , ATM card.

Book Distribution - This department will check with finance department whether the student has paid the fees and then books will be distributed to the student. Distributed book(Details arc maintained in the system against student id with book name.

Library - Available books are maintained in the system using Book Name, ISBN number. Author, No. of books etc. This department will provide a unique Library ID tot the students against student id. Students can borrow the books by presenting the Library II) card. If the student is not returning the book on or before due date then a fine is collected from the student which is to be paid to the Finance department to utilize library services further.

Reference no: EM13921245

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