Reference no: EM132989060
JFLAP Programming
Just leave empty string as A, and don't change to E. Setup: Download and Append username to folder.
• Download the folder (with test files)
• Unzip it
• You will need Java 8.
• Run jflap7_1.jar with Java from the unzipped directory.
Java -jar jflap7_1.jar
• Click on Finite Automaton
Problem 1: Construct a DFA that recognizes any number of 01, followed by 10s, without ow 010 is not in the language recognized by the DFA)
• Testing: Some test strings have been created: Click Input->Multiple Run ,
o Load Inputs (at bottom)
o Select the pitest.bct file
o You will have to have an initial state to test.
o First 3 accept
o Last 5 reject
o Add a blank input symbol (cursor on last, blank line and press enter for empty sl should accept when you run again.
• When you're satisfied with your DFA, save it as pl<username>.jff.
Problem 2: Construct a DFA in 8 or fewer states, i.e. I'm fine if you delete unreachable state the product construction of two DFAs - one that recognizes an odd number of is and one that recognizes a binary number with a leading 0 and ending 1.
• There is a corresponding test file p2test.txt .
• When you're satisfied with your DFA, save it as p2<username>.jff.
• First 4 should accept, the second 5 reject.
Problem 3: Construct a DFA that recognizes strings without 010 as a substring or is just 01 repeatedly; empty string should be accepted.
• There is a corresponding test file p3test.txt
• When you're satisfied with your DFA, save it as p3<username>.jff.
• First 4 should accept, the second 4 reject.
Problem 4: Construct a DFA to recognize unsigned binary strings evenly divisible by 7.
• You may accept empty string (it won't be tested).
• Leading zeros have no meaning, such as octal, e.g. (0101 and 0000101 are both the numt
• The last five should accept, all previous reject.
• When you're satisfied with your DFA, save it as p4<username>.jff.
Problem 5: Construct a DFA to recognize for the alphabet of just parentheses 1= {(,)}, those strini that have balanced, proper parentheses pairs, with no more than nesting depth 4, e.g. you don't hay( recognize ((((())))) as being in the language (you should reject), but you do have to recognize (((()))) or ((0)((()))((())))•
• You may accept empty string (it won't be tested).
• The first 5 should accept but the last 6 should reject.
• When you're satisfied with your DFA, save it as p5<username>jff.
• Once you're done, ask yourself what's interesting about this, do you think?
Problem 6: Construct a DFA recognizing the concatenation of any number of 01 and/or 011, zero or rt copies of each in any order.
• First 4 should accept, the second 4 reject.
• Empty string should accept.
• When you're satisfied with your DFA, save it as p6<username>.jff.
Problem 7: Construct a DFA recognizing the concatenation of any number of 01, 110, and/or 011 or more copies of each in any order (the copies may be interleaved, look at the tests).
• First 4 should accept, the second 4 reject.
• Empty string should accept.
• When you're satisfied with your DFA, save it as p7<username>.jff.