Reference no: EM131317910 , Length:
Portfolio Tasks
1. Use an essay format to answer the assigned tasks. The prescribed structure is given below.
2. Write an introductory paragraph that provides a brief overview of the company featured in the video. Briefly describe the possessions of the organisation on the bases of its core values, technological intervention and innovation. End the introductory paragraph with the objectives of the portfolio.
3. The main body of the essay is the Content and Analysis. It should be supported with applicable theories and concepts to meet the following sub-tasks:
a) Analyse SABIC's successful organizational strategies applying the conceptual parameters of: (a) HR Management ; (b) Information Management, (c) Financial Management, and (d) Technological Management.
b) Evaluate critically the strategic formulation and execution built in SABIC in terms of: (a) vision development and (b) leadership process involvement
c) Formulate a tabular strategic option that can supplement the organisation on the aspect of its business ethics and social responsibilities. Support it with relevant theoretical citations.
4. Construct a concluding statement to end the essay.
5. Acknowledge the contributors to your work according to Harvard Referencing system. In-text reference is a must aside from the list of references provided at the end of the manuscript to assure consistency.
Structure of this Portfolio:
I. Introduction: (100 words) Should include the following:
- Brief overview of the company featured in the video links.
- Objectives of the portfolio (refer to the tasks)
II. Content and Analysis: (570 words) Should include the following:
1. Analyses of SABIC's successful organisational strategies applying the conceptual parameters of: (a) HR Management; (b) Information Management, (c) Financial Management, and (d) Technological Management.
2. Critical evaluation of the strategic formulation and execution built at SABIC in terms of: (a) vision development and (b) leadership process involvement
3. Tabular strategic option that can supplement the organisation on the aspect of its business ethics and social responsibilities in Oman.
Provide a summary of the important points of discussion. It should be drawn according to the objectives of the portfolio mentioned in the introduction.
IV. References:
The required appropriate and varied range of references must be 10-20 sources with accurate application of Harvard Referencing SystemThis assignment will assess the following learning outcomes:
1. Demonstrate a systematic understanding and critical evaluation of the key aspects of the strategic management process;
2. Demonstrate the ability to compare different theories and perspectives of strategic management and use and appraise them appropriately;
3. Critically evaluate theories and concepts of strategic management. Analyses and apply appropriate problem solving techniques plus knowledge learned to solving complex business problems;
4. Demonstrate the ability to communicate complex issues.
Video Title: Main Link: Related Links: SABIC Corporate Firm - "Chemistry that Matters"
This is web- link based courseware. From the given web links above you are required to view the video as often as you want to create an academic essay in response to the scenario presented in the video.
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: Write an introductory paragraph that provides a brief overview of the company featured in the video. Briefly describe the possessions of the organisation on the bases of its core values, technological intervention and innovation
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