Constitutional rights afforded criminal defendants

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Reference no: EM132882140

We learned about the constitutional rights afforded criminal defendants as it applies to criminal procedure. Specifically, we learned about the 5th Amendment right against self-incrimination, the 6th Amendment right to counsel, and the 14th Amendment right to due process. Also addressed were some issues involved in suspect identification and the interview and interrogation process.

Describe why voluntariness is important in the confession/interrogation context. What factors affect voluntariness?

Explain Miranda v. Arizona and how it affects interrogations and confessions. Include what ‘triggers' the need for Miranda warnings as well as what is required for a valid Miranda waiver.

Is Miranda as relevant today as it was when it was decided? Why or why not?

Describe the three types of pretrial identification procedures. Explain how the Sixth Amendment right to counsel applies to each.

What are some methods of reducing the suggestiveness of a lineup?

Reference no: EM132882140

Questions Cloud

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Constitutional rights afforded criminal defendants : We learned about the constitutional rights afforded criminal defendants as it applies to criminal procedure.
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