Constant pressure of hydrogen cyanide

Assignment Help Chemical Engineering
Reference no: EM13881811

The heat capacity at constant pressure of hydrogen cyanide is given by the expression Cp[J/(mol ·°C)] = 35.3 + 0.0291T(°C)

(a) Write an expression for the heat capacity at constant volume for HCN, assuming ideal gas behavior.

(b) Calculate ?U (J/mol) for the constant-pressure process HCN (v, 25°C. 0.80atm) ? HCN (v, 100oC, 0.80 atm)

(c) Calculate ?U (J/mol) for the constant-volume process HCN (v, 25°C, 50 m3/k mol) ? HCN (v, 100°C, 50 m3/k mol)

(d) If the process of part (b) were carried out in such a way that the initial and final pressures were each 0.80 atm but the pressure varied during the heating, the value of ?H would still be what you calculated assuming a constant pressure. Why is this so? 

Reference no: EM13881811

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