Consideration in relation to hospitality business contract

Assignment Help Business Management
Reference no: EM133631696


1. What is 'consideration' in relation to a Hospitality business contract?

2. Describe six (6) essential elements of a Hospitality business contact.

3. List six (6) things to be aware of when entering or negotiating a Hospitality business contract.

4. What are the obligations of a Hospitality workplace in relation to EEO and Harassment?

5. Under Australian Consumer Laws, what are a Hospitality organisations responsibility? in relation to:

Imposing and enforcing terms and conditions of quotations

6. What is the main objective of the Food Safety Act? What does this cover?

7. How do the Food Safety Standards affect the Hospitality Trade?

8. As a food handler, what are your personal hygiene requirements as set out in the Food Safety Standard 3.2.2, Division 4.15?

9. What are your legal requirements in regard to the reporting of health and illnesses whilst working with food and beverages?

10. How does a general liquor licence differ from a packaged liquor licence?

11. List two (2) conditions of an On-Premises Liquor licence?

12. What are the penalties for supplying liquor to an intoxicated person, or allowing drunk or disorderly persons on your Hospitality premises? What defence may you put forward?

13. What is the current Taxation Ruling relating to the retention of Hospitality business records?

14. Provide an explanation and an example of each of the following terms;

GST free purchases

Capital purchase

Input taxed supplies


15. Provide an explanation of the following terms:

Taxable sales
GST input tax credits
Net GST payable

16. Some items included in the G1 label at the GST section of a BAS statement are gross sales, interest earned and gross fees for services. List four (4) items that SHOULD NOT be included?

17. What does the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992 regulate?

18. Under the Superannuation Guarantee (Administration) Act 1992, what are Hospitality employers required to do in terms of superannuation?

19. Describe the following business structures in terms of tax and ownership;

Sole trader

20. Describe how the PAYG system works in the Hospitality industry.

21. What is the main objective of the Fair Work System?

22. Describe the five (5) minimum employment conditions as set out by the Australian Fair Pay and National Employment Standards?

23. In what is the name of the Act that employees and employers must adhere to regarding workplace safety in each state of Australia?

24. What is the purpose of OHS / WHS legislation?

25. Describe the employer's responsibility in relation to workplace health and safety.

26. What is 'duty of care', and how does it apply to managers within the Hospitality industry?

27. What a Hospitality business do to reduce your risk of public liability?

28. What are your obligations as an employer in relation to workers compensation?

29. Describe the steps an employee should take if they are injured at work (in terms of workers compensation)

30. Describe Australia's workplace relation system.

31. List seven (7) different ways you can maintain your knowledge of regulatory requirements within the hospitality sector.

32. Identify and describe the basic requirements for two licenses and what might cause theses licenses to be deemed non- compliant and therefore cancelled as a result?

33. Briefly explain the basic requirements of the Federal Government's Superannuation Guarantee Levy.

34. Briefly describe the key responsibilities of an employer under the Commonwealth "Racial Discrimination Act 1975".

35. Briefly explain the key responsibilities of an employee under the Commonwealth "Racial Discrimination Act 1975".

36. To ensure that chefs and cooks in a Hospitality business comply with the Food Act, what might be three (3) procedures that you could establish and put into place in your Hospitality business?

37. Describe the main objective of the Copyright Act 1968 in relation to the operation of a Hospitality business and provide two (2) examples.

38. Explain the main purpose of the Privacy Act 1988 and three (3) types of customer information that a Hospitality business must keep private.

39. Where might you source documentation that explains the operational and legislative requirements of a Hospitality business?

40. List six (6) ways that you can update your knowledge on Hospitality compliance?

41. It is excellent business practice to network with .......

42. Apart from updating your knowledge on Hospitality compliance, list four (4) other ways you could source opportunities to maintain your knowledge of regulatory Hospitality requirements.

43. List three (3) legal responsibilities of managers and directors of a Hospitality business.

44. Why must a Hospitality business maintain occupational licensing and certification requirements?

45. List three (3) statutory record keeping requirements that a Hospitality business needs to maintain compliance.

Reference no: EM133631696

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