Consider the cultures that are represented in your area

Assignment Help Science
Reference no: EM133482787


Consider the cultures that are represented in your area or in the area where you intend to work. Select one culture to focus on and explain at least two ways that you can ensure that you are culturally sensitive when performing a health history and physical assessment.

Reference no: EM133482787

Questions Cloud

List five differential diagnoses : List five differential diagnoses that you feel are likely to explain this patient's presentation List your most likely diagnosis first
Discuss one specific job in health services administration : To research health services administration jobs. Discuss one specific job in health services administration.
List specific goals of treatment for michael : List specific goals of treatment for Michael. Discuss specific patient education based on the prescribed therapy.
Make quality improvement project : Make quality improvement project with aim to reduce catherization associated infection in patient in hospital by nurse using root cause analysis and effect tool
Consider the cultures that are represented in your area : Consider the cultures that are represented in your area or in the area where you intend to work.
Describe how the goldmark report : Describe how the Goldmark Report of 1918 impacted nursing education. How do today's experiences differ for the profession?
Identify the infection control standards : How will you identify the infection control standards and guidelines relevant to your work role?
Statistically and clinically significant evidence : Discuss the difference between statistically significant evidence and clinically significant evidence.
Technology is integral to successful implementation : Technology is integral to successful implementation in many projects, through either support or integration or both


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