Consider how you will use the e-portfolio after completion

Assignment Help HR Management
Reference no: EM133465207

Question 1: Your e-portfolio is a way to gain your competitive advantage in the marketplace. Throughout the course, you will be editing previous coursework and uploading to your e-portfolio. In addition, you will create new artifacts (items that you want to showcase) to include in your e-portfolio. Your e-portfolio should include a diverse collection of artifacts that represent you. Consider how you will use the e-portfolio after the completion of the course? How will you use the final product to enhance your personal branding?

Question 2: For the second part of our discussion this week, please answer the following questions. Based on your reading and understanding, how would you describe an e-portfolio? How do you develop one? What are signature assignments and how do you select the best one to include in your e-portfolio? A list of the signature assignments is located in the resources area. Will you include videos and pictures?

Question 3: Be creative as there is not a right or wrong response. Provide details of the artifacts you would like to include. Consider what will be of value to the person reviewing the artifacts. When you respond to your peers, consider artifacts they may not have included.


Reference no: EM133465207

Questions Cloud

What is stolen generations in relation to aboriginal : Explain your understanding of what is meant by Stolen Generations in relation to Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander peoples.
Evaluate relevant human resource management strategies : Evaluate relevant human resource management strategies to select appropriately skilled people to fill open positions in an organization.
Describe the organization and comment on the hr change : Describe the company in terms of industry, size, number of employees, and history. Analyze in detail the current HR practice, policy, process, or procedure
Describe maintain work-related networks : Please describe at least three ways in which you can maintain work-related networks and relationships?
Consider how you will use the e-portfolio after completion : Consider how you will use the e-portfolio after the completion of the course? How will you use the final product to enhance your personal branding?
Relationship between trusting world and shaping the world : What is the relationship between trusting the world and shaping the world? Why do you think there is adistinct difference in this relationship?
What is equity and how can you apply the concept of equity : What is equity and how can you apply the concept of equity is not about equality in your life with specific examples? What is diversity and what are the benefit
Discuss memories of their own childhood : Sanders and White both discuss memories of their own childhood and reflect on these within the scope of becoming fathers.
Convert the python codes into scala code : Convert the python codes into Scala code - Each of the below listed codes should converted to Scala Code


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