Consider an adt called squarematrix

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Reference no: EM133470


Consider an ADT called 'SquareMatrix'. (The matrix can be represented by a two-dimensional array of integers with 'n' rows and 'n' columns.)

A) Write specification for the ADT as a Java interface. Include the following operations (parameters are already listed for the first two operations; for the remaining operations you must determine which parameters to use yourself, as part of the exercise);

- MakeEmpty (n) - which sets first 'n' rows and columns to zero.

- StoreValue (i, j, value)- which stores 'value' into place at row 'i', column 'j'.

- Add - which adds two matrices together.

- Subtract - which subtracts one matrix from another.

- Copy - which copies one matrix from another.

B) Generate a Java class that implements the interface. Suppose a greatest size of 50 rows and columns (may be less)

C) produce a small application that uses class.

Reference no: EM133470

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