Connections here between the eating and the thinking

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Reference no: EM131084505

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In Plato's Republic, Socrates says:

As for one who is choosy about what he learns,...we shall not call him a lover of learning or a philosopher, just as we shall not say that a man who is difficult about his food is hungry or has an appetite for food. We shall call him a lover of food but a poor eater...But we shall call a philosopher the man who is easily willing to learn every kind of knowledge, gladly turns to learning things, and is insatiable in this respect.

What are the connections here between the eating and the thinking?

You've got to work out your body or else it atrophies. If you look at it that way, drinking alcohol is testing your body just as much as is running or lifting weights. If I want to keep my lungs in good shape, I should run every day, so if I want to keep my liver in good shape, I should drink every day.

Where is the fault in this analogy?

Write a 1 1/2 page essay for each question, responding to the prompt. Each essay should have an introduction, thesis, body, and conclusion.

In the debate over gun control, it is often claimed that a gun kept in the home is 43 times more likely to be used in a suicide, homicide, or result in an accidental death than it is to be used to kill an intruder in self-defense.

(Kellerman, A. & Reay, D. (1986). Protection or peril? An analysis of firearm related deaths in the home. New England Journal of Medicine,314, 1557-60.)

What is your position on gun control? Make an argument that is supported by at least three statistical findings.

Find an argument in the media that uses statistics for its premise on an issue other than gun control, and critique it. What requirements must it satisfy in order to be a successful argument? Include a copy of your source with your answer.

Reference no: EM131084505

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