Reference no: EM133655882
Now, focus solely on the Politics video. Pick THREE questions to respond to: There is a FOURTH required question required at the very end.
1. What do you see as the authors' connection between the phrase network and organizational politics? Does this connection surprise you? Why or why not?
2. With regard to organizational politics, Kent says, I will just avoid all that? (office politics). And, You can't put your head down and just do the work. It's not enough. Why does Kent say that these perceptions are a mistake?
3. Linda says that there are three types of politics inherent in organizations. Why would she choose these categories as the ones that are political in organizations? Do you agree/disagree with them?
1. Diversity of perspectives
2. Conflict
3. Scarce resources
4. Kent says, If you don't have power, you can't stand up for what you believe is right. Kent says that there is a type of corruption when people don't feel like they have enough power to stand up for what they believe in. What do you think about this?
5. Do you agree or disagree that it is a mistake when people see their job as just managing their team? Why?
6. Is it a political move to join committees in which you may not be very interested? Or only being on committees in which you are very interested?
7. Why is it a political move to ask yourself, How do others view me? How much do others trust me? How do people experience me?
8. Have you been in a meeting and realized there was a meeting beforehand where you were cut out of information? How did you handle it or how do you wish you had handled it?
9. Have you worked with competent jerks? How have you dealt with these types of people as you deal with workplace politics?
10. Have you ever known someone who got their satisfaction from the organization politics and only wanted to win? How did you deal with this person?
11. Why do the authors say that you have to be reciprocal with others in order to manage organizational politics effectively? In other words, you can't just go to others only when you have a need.