Confirm that variables can be declared and used properly

Assignment Help Visual Basic Programming
Reference no: EM131149246

Visual Basic

Exploring Different Variables

The purpose of this assignment to confirm that variables can be declared and used properly.

• Add the forms discussed in the lectures to the Payroll_Application.
• Ensure that the login form is displayed first when the application is launched.
• Include the following controls on the login form to allow the following:

o Input of a user id that allows only 7 numbers
o Input of a password that allows only 5 alphanumeric characters
o Input of a department that allows for the following departments:

- Accounting
- Actuarial
- Finance
- IT
- Sales

• Place a button on the form that will be used to log into to the application.
• Include the creation of variables to store the following:

o Employee ID entered
o Password entered
o Department selected

• After the login button is selected load the data entered into the appropriate variables, close the form and display the Time Sheet Entry form.

• When the Submit button the Time Sheet Entry form is clicked, store the data entered for the week into the appropriate variables and display a message box that states: "Time Sheet Saved!"

• Ensure that proper naming convention is used for all objects (forms, buttons, etc.)

• Capture a screenshot of the following and include in a Word document entitled "Week 2 - Assignment".

o Each form in design mode showing the Properties window
o Each form in run mode
o Final message box after submit button is clicked on Time Sheet Entry form.
o Source code for each form that shows all subroutines

Reference no: EM131149246

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