Confidence interval for proportion of all school children

Assignment Help Basic Statistics
Reference no: EM132495246

(a) The spokesperson from the Weather Forecast Department, Ministry of science and Technology asserts that more than 72% of factories at the prime industrial area meet the antipollution standards. An antipollution advocate wants to validate the above statement. He then takes sample of published data from 100 factories randomly selected from the same industrial area, and finds that 75 of them meet the antipollution standards. Test at the 5% level of significance.

(b) Minister of education wants to know how serious is the lack of nutrition among school children. A sample of 200 school children sampled showed that 50 of them lack in nutrition. Construct a 95% confidence interval for the proportion of all school children who lack nutrition.

Reference no: EM132495246

Questions Cloud

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What is the probability that the person will stop : Someone tosses a fair coin and stops once they reach a head. What is the probability that the person will stop in at most 2 steps?
Confidence interval for proportion of all school children : Construct a 95% confidence interval for the proportion of all school children who lack nutrition.
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