Reference no: EM133069225
Conduct your own social engineering experiments.
While at a restaurant, convenience store, bank, place of business, or any shopping location, ask you waiter or waitress, bartender, server, sales clerk, or cashier personal questions about their family or their interests. How much information are you able to obtain about this person you do not know?
Name, address, age, religion, political beliefs, place of birth, pets, hobbies, number of children, type of car they drive, or any other information you think you can obtain.
Awareness of organization security measurements
: Present employee training recommendations for creating awareness of the organization's security measurements.
Discuss defensive programming
: Discuss Defensive Programming and whether or not you would use it when developing procedures, processes, and architectures that guide work execution
How social media can help your business
: Social media is online communication that allows you to communicate with your customers in real-time.
What side would ethical egoist take
: What would an Ethical Egoist say about this topic? What side would the Ethical Egoist take? What would the Ethical Egoist say to justify their moral position?
Conduct your own social engineering experiments
: While at a restaurant, convenience store, bank, place of business, or any shopping location, ask you waiter or waitress, bartender, server, sales clerk,
Competitive strategy
: discuss what, if any, machine learning techniques they are utilizing in their competitive strategy.
Webmaster for republican party national committee
: You are the webmaster for the Republican Party National Committee. Prepare a risk assessment analysis for your website.
Strategies for security architecture consisting of tools
: Discuss how you would develop strategies for security architecture consisting of tools, techniques, and technologies to detect and prevent network penetration
Organizational strategic security plan
: You are tasked as the Cybersecurity Director to develop an Organizational Strategic Security Plan to defend against Cyber Attacks.