Conduct your field work and create a creative poster

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Reference no: EM13267967

Fieldwork Assignment:

Select one field assignment from the list below.  Conduct your field work and create a creative poster that you will be sharing with the class. Your poster should describe which fieldwork assignment you chose and address the posed questions.  In your report, use at least one concept, issue, theory, etc. we learned in class when elaborating your reflective thoughts.

Full credit will be given if you satisfy all of the following criteria:

-  Complete the assignment entirely and answer all the questions.

-  Provide sufficient description of your fieldwork experience.

-  Present thorough personal reflection on your fieldwork experience.

-  Effectively use ideas/concepts we learned in class.

-  The poster is creative and well developed. With the following questions answered.

Reference no: EM13267967

Questions Cloud

Explain how to use a nand gate to make a not gate : Interface TTL logic to 120 VAC lamp. In this part of the lab, you will interface lowpower solid state electronics to the "outside world" by switching the 120 VAC lamp on and off using the AND gate from the previous experiment.
How much of payment will go toward the principal of loan : You have just taken out a $15,000 car loan with a 8% APR compounded monthly. The loan is for five years. When you make your first payment in one month, how much of the payment will go toward the principal of the loan and how much will go towards t..
Eastern culture present variety of rituals-ritual activities : Ancient Near Eastern cultures present a variety of rituals and ritual activities. What kind of religious concerns do they demonstrate? Using at least three different ANE cultures, how do rituals address and satisfy these concerns?
What is avicorp pre-tax cost of debt : Avicorp has a $14.2 million debt outstanding, with a 6.1% coupon rate. The debt has semi-annual coupons, the next coupon is due in six months, and the debt matures in five years. It is currently priced at 94% of par value.
Conduct your field work and create a creative poster : Complete the assignment entirely and answer all the questions and provide sufficient description of your fieldwork experience.
What was the magnitude of the horizontal force : A 0.140 kg baseball is thrown horizontally with a velocity of 28.9 m/s. It is struck with a constant horizontal force that lasts for 1.85 ms, What was the magnitude of the horizontal force
What is the price per share of nogrowth stock : NoGrowth Corporation currently pays a dividend of $0.51 per quarter, and it will continue to pay this dividend forever. what is the price per share of NoGrowth stock if the firms equity cost of capital is 17.9%?
Derive the three-term error correction formula : Derive the three-term error correction formula. Include the appropriate signal flow graphs in all of your derivations. Hint: The one-term and both two-term error models are simplifications of the threeterm error model.
What is its economic value added : If Spencer's cost of capital is 10%, what is its Economic value added (EVA)?


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